Fucked Up Heat
metal, electro, punk, drum and bass, alternative, trap metal, synthwaveLyrics
Here’s the song with more focus on the love-hate dynamic and the intensity of a relationship that thrives on both attraction and conflict. It’s an explosive, fiery love-hate fuck anthem with even more heat and raw energy:
“Love-Hate Fuck”
(Verse 1)
You wanna hurt me, but you want me close,
Your lips say “I hate you,” but your body knows,
You crave the push, the pull, the fight,
We burn each other up in the dead of night.
You love to hate me, it’s your fucking thrill,
But when we’re tangled up, you can’t get your fill,
You scratch, you bite, I push back harder,
We’re both in too deep, going farther and farther.
Fuck your love, fuck your lies,
But damn, I need you between my thighs,
We fight, we fuck, we’re lost in the heat,
It’s a love-hate war that we both repeat.
It’s a love-hate fuck, we tear it apart,
Twist the knife, then heal the scar,
Hate me, break me, but don’t let go,
We’re addicted to this twisted show.
It’s raw and real, and we love the pain,
We’re both insane, but we need the game,
Tear me down, then pull me in tight,
We’re a love-hate fuck burning through the night.
(Verse 2)
We scream, we fight, then you’re all over me,
Your hands on my skin, like you need me to breathe,
You say “fuck you,” but you can’t get enough,
We’re trapped in the heat of this love-hate lust.
We fuck like we’re fighting, hard and fast,
Every touch feels like it’s gonna be the last,
You pull me closer, I feel the burn,
But baby, with us, we’ll never learn.
You say you hate me, but you need this too,
It’s a dangerous game, but we both know the truth,
We live for the chaos, we thrive in the flame,
It’s a love-hate fuck, and we love the pain.
It’s a love-hate fuck, we tear it apart,
Twist the knife, then heal the scar,
Hate me, break me, but don’t let go,
We’re addicted to this twisted show.
It’s raw and real, and we love the pain,
We’re both insane, but we need the game,
Tear me down, then pull me in tight,
We’re a love-hate fuck burning through the night.
You hate me, but you’re begging for more,
We’re toxic as hell, but we can’t close the door,
You want control, but so do I,
We burn together every time we try.
You want the hate, you love the fight,
But you crave me more when it’s dead of night,
We push, we pull, we love the hate, we hate the love,
But we can’t stop, we can’t get enough,
You tell me yo never quit,
This love-hate fuck is our twisted hit.
It’s a fight, it’s a fuck, it’s a dangerous game,
But you and I, baby, we’re one in the same,
I pull you close, you push me away,
But we always come back to this fucked-up play.
It’s a love-hate fuck, we tear it apart,
Twist the knife, then heal the scar,
Hate me, break me, but don’t let go,
We’re addicted to this twisted show.
It’s raw and real, and we love the pain,
We’re both insane, but we need the game,
Tear me down, then pull me in tight,
We’re a love-hate fuck burning through the night.
We’ll never stop,
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¿Por Qué Elegir Nuestras Canciones Generadas con IA?
- Sonido de Alta Calidad: Nuestras canciones con IA están diseñadas para sonar naturales y profesionales, creando una experiencia auditiva inmersiva.
- Creatividad Ilimitada: Con personalización impulsada por IA, cada canción puede ser adaptada de manera única para satisfacer las necesidades de tu proyecto, convirtiéndose en un recurso valioso para los creadores.
- Accesibilidad Global: Nuestro soporte para múltiples idiomas significa que tu música puede conectar con oyentes de todo el mundo, siendo perfecta para proyectos interculturales.
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Explora nuestra Biblioteca de Canciones con IA ahora para descubrir música generada por usuarios, creada con tecnología de IA de vanguardia. Encuentra la banda sonora perfecta para tu contenido, eleva tus proyectos con paisajes sonoros innovadores y experimenta el futuro de la creación musical hoy mismo.