Route 666
Traditional country ballad, hard rock, electric guitar, harmonica, instrumentalLyrics
Route 666 is a long begotten, cursed hidden red hot Arizona highway.
The highway of the undead.
Forever inhabited by the sinister souls of a chaingang murdered and buried there back in 1968. After that night a blood red sun came up and has never left. It endlessly sits on the horizon of Route 666.
A violent band of four highway robbers were turned into a free labor road crew by the sadistic sheriff's warden.
They tried to make an escape while working the road deep into the night, but were held at gunpoint and forced to dig their own graves. They were then shot down buried and paved over with black top. Forever part of the road they built.
Shovels, pickaxes, the mighty sledge & the ol’ jack hammer.
Once their work tools are now their ghastly murder weapons.
If you hear their chains rattling in the dry desert heat you’re already dead.
This blackened eternal chaingang is gonna feed you to their road.
Route 666 has no curves it’s just a straight shot to hell.
There, two suns meet in the sky.
Our sun & satan’s sun.
When ever a poor soul fucks up and somehow ends up on Route 666,
they will be met by an undead chaingang.
Shovels, pickaxes, the mighty sledge & the ol’ jack hammer.
Once their work tools are now their ghastly murder weapons.
If you hear their chains rattling in the dry desert heat you’re already dead.
The unholy chaingang is coming to feed you to their road.
These highway bandits will steal your life.
No longer human, now evil asphalt apparitions.
They are only their to kill, the road they forever wander drinks blood,
They forever work their road, they provide that road with pounds of flesh.
One will trip you up in the iron chains that once bound them.
One will crack your skull with the mighty sledge.
Two of them will cut you down with their shovel and pickaxe.
Lastly the Ol’ Jackhammer will be brought upon you,
its loud pounding death call is the last thing you’ll ever hear.
Shovels, pickaxes, the mighty sledge & the ol’ jack hammer.
Once their work tools are now their ghastly murder weapons.
If you hear their chains rattling in the dry desert heat you’re already dead.
They got you! They’re putting in a good days days work. You are that poor soul that, fucked up.
All that’s left is just a boney, chunky pool of blood,
boiling and burning on the scorching hot surface of Route 666.
the chaingang has put you in their road.
Heed my warning be weary to take any short cuts when traveling Arizona territory or you might just end up road food.
So If you see two suns in the sky you’ll know you took a deadly wrong turn.
That undead chaingang is always waiting for a victim, they will chew you up and lay you out for their blood lust highway.
One thing you can bet on is, you’ll go down easy on Route 666.
They’ll make sure of it.
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