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Whiskey and War

Outlaw County Rock, deep gruff voiced male singer


Verse 1:
He's got a face like weathered leather, scarred by a thousand brawls,
Hands that've held the raw truth, rough as the outlaw's call.
From the jungles of 'Nam to the desert's burning sand,
He wore the soldier's honor, but it branded him a marked man.
Watched his brothers drop, dreams shattered in the dust,
In the chaos of gunfire, they forged a bond of trust.
Bullets sang their deadly tune, screams his lullaby,
Now he's back in this broken town, feeling like a lie.
Oh, he bled for the flag, for a land gone astray,
But the echoes of gunfire still haunt him every day.
In this country he loves, he's tallying the toll,
Where children's laughter feels heavy on his soul.
Once proud of the warrior, the soldier, the outlaw,
Now he's chased by shadows that dance in the dark drawl.
In a world gone mad, he's trying to find the light,
Was the darkness he carried worth the fight?
Verse 2:
He rides the lonesome highway, past fields of forgotten dreams,
But the sweetness of home now tastes bitter and mean.
Flags wave in the wind, but their colors are faded,
With a heart full of sorrow, his tears go unsated.
Politicians in their suits, spinning silver-tongued tales,
Turned the brave land into a battlefield of betrayal.
In the mirror, bloodshot eyes stare back,
A warrior returned, but lost in the attack.
Oh, he bled for the flag, for a land gone astray,
But the echoes of gunfire still haunt him every day.
In this country he loves, he's tallying the toll,
Where children's laughter feels heavy on his soul.
Once proud of the warrior, the soldier, the outlaw,
Now he's chased by shadows that dance in the dark drawl.
In a world gone mad, he's trying to find the light,
Was the darkness he carried worth the fight?
He walks through the memories, where wildflowers used to bloom,
But beauty's wrapped in shadows, lost in a tomb.
With ghosts of his brothers, he's trapped in the gloom,
Fighting inner battles where silence is a doom.
Dreams of redemption, a place to call his own,
In a land that forgot the price of a soul's loan.
Regret etched deep in his face,
Wondering if peace is a distant, cruel chase.
Oh, he bled for the flag, for a land gone astray,
But the echoes of gunfire still haunt him every day.
In this country he loves, he's tallying the toll,
Where children's laughter feels heavy on his soul.
Once proud of the warrior, the soldier, the outlaw,
Now he's chased by shadows that dance in the dark drawl.
In a world gone mad, he's trying to find the light,
Was the darkness he carried worth the fight?
He sits on the porch, as the sun starts to fade,
Heart full of sorrow, memories that invade.
In the twilight, he ponders the choices he made,
A soldier returned, but lost in the shade.
Home to shadows, home to ghosts,
In the land of the free, he now feels like a ghost.
In the land of the free, he now feels like a ghost.

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Whiskey and War

Outlaw County Rock, deep gruff voiced male singer
