Voltar à Biblioteca de Músicas


70s, outlaw country western ballad, rebel, protest, blues, acoustic, seasoned bass baritone rich deep male vocals


Down an old dirt Texas highway,
sits a dusty little ghost town.
a single family.
They’re close knit,
& take care of their own.
This town gets their fill on passer-by’s…

they eat the flesh of man.
This is the land of…
“The, Texas… Chainsaw Massacre..!”

The only gas station in these parts is run by The cook.
If the cook ain’t got no gas,
& the cook gives you fair warning.
You best get, while the gettin’s good.

an artist hitches this road,
fixated on dead bodies & blood.
Ridin’ through Texas,
you might see one of his pieces,
or worse,

This town has a one man Police Force.
He may-be this town’s Sheriff,
but don’t be mistaken,
he’s an *outlaw..!*

dwells a boy built like a bear.
He is the town’s butcher.
He has the strength of three men.
The speed of a linebacker &,
The face of another.

Grandpa is a Legend of the ol’ west & ol’ south.
He made a glorious mark in Texas.
He has eaten many a man.
Once touted “The Henry Armstrong” of crackin’ skulls.

This is the family of “The Texas… Chainsaw… Massacre..!”
This is the town of “The, Texas… Chainsaw Massacre.”
Here abides,
The Sawyer kin… &,
Sheriff Hoytt..!
(The *Out-Law* Lawman!)

The cook is the ties that bind.
The cook has his thoughts of guilt.
The cook wild eyed and crazed.
The cook will prod & poke,
Beat & club,
but he just don’t enjoy,

Wether it be,
Jerky or steak,
his famous chili.
The cook is cooking up,
something special.

The Artist will cut himself,
The Artist will bleed in joy.
The Artist will cut you,
You will bleed.
The Artist will enjoy.

Blood in & blood out.
Bleed this & bleed that.
He will wear his red.
He will wear “Your” red.

This Sheriff is full of piss and vinegar.
This Sheriff knows no quit.
This Sheriff shows no sympathy.
This Sheriff is a Dark Horse..!

He’s an *Outlaw…*
“An Outlaw..!”
He’s trouble,
& trouble finds a way.
He’ll blow you *away…*

The boy will mallet your brain.
The boy will have you hooked.
The boy will fuh-lay your face.
The boy will chainsaw his way,
to bring you the *pain…*

In the hot summer of nineteen seventy-three,
This boy,
they call Leather-face carried out…
*The Texas Chainsaw Massacre!*
He’s “revved…” up.
“Bum, Bum, Bum..!”
& ready to do it “all… again..!”

Grandpa is well into his hundreds.
Grandpa is be-loved by his family,
He’s an icon in the eyes of his grandson.
Grandpa suckles at the wounds,
of weary women dinner guest.

This is the family of “The Texas… Chainsaw… Massacre..!”
This is the town of “The, Texas… Chainsaw Massacre.”
Here abides…

Leather-Face… &,
a Terrible Fate..!
“Bum, Bum, Bum..!”

He swings that mallet with,
bolt-action force.
He will shatter your skull.
Leave ya, *death* shaken.

He will wear your face.
He will spill your guts.
He will leave you in pieces.
*He will bring forth unto you…*

“The, Texas! Chainsaw… Massacre…”
He’s “revved…” up.
“Bum, Bum, Bum..!”
& ready to do it “all… again

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  • Som de Alta Qualidade: Nossas músicas com IA são projetadas para soar naturais e profissionais, criando uma experiência auditiva imersiva.
  • Criatividade Sem Limites: Com personalização impulsionada por IA, cada música pode ser adaptada exclusivamente para atender às necessidades do seu projeto, tornando-se um recurso valioso para criadores.
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Explore nossa Biblioteca de Músicas com IA agora para descobrir músicas geradas por usuários, criadas com tecnologia de ponta em IA. Encontre a trilha sonora perfeita para o seu conteúdo, eleve seus projetos com paisagens sonoras inovadoras e experimente o futuro da criação musical hoje mesmo.


70s, outlaw country western ballad, rebel, protest, blues, acoustic, seasoned bass baritone rich deep male vocals
