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Round up

Heavy metal hip hop


I'm taking hits from every side
doing it in stride
with pride
it's been one hell of a ride
but I'll never stop trying
until the day im fucking dying
write it all down and put em in these verses
this mental curse got me spinning in circles
an unknown sickness that cripples me with no purpose
it keeps me from my babies
I think about em daily
it's crazy
how I miss em so greatly
my hopes all but gone
taking notes for my next song
feeling dismal
fake friends making it official
an I'm done being civil
but I stay vigal
cuz it's real simple
the hardest thing to handle
is containing all the evil
so I don't go grab a pistol
an get real uncivil
so I'm revealing the unpredictable
got me feeling contradictable
cuz my thoughts are unthinkable
this has gotta be fictional
but its typical
how predictable
this miserable life can be
all i know is with out my babies its not livable to me

got a bunch of low life piece of shits running their fucking mouths speaking my name
like they know a god damn thang
about what the fuck I fight thru everyday
you don't know pain
yours an mine are not the same
one day livin my life everyone of
you would go insane
saying the same damn thang
y'all would quit day one
it's just that fucking plain.
but I beat this shit back
day in day out
ya im full of doubt
hell ya I scream and fucking shout
but at the end of everyday i stand proud
my defeat will never be allowed
you mother fuckers would just cower
as I wipe the sweat off of my brow
I see everything that i fought through and all the battles still have left n view
all I can do is smile an look around like wow
knowing nothing can beat me now.
when I'm done
I'm gonna take a fucking bow
like fuck everyone yall that doubted
my haters club bout to be over crowded
everyone of you fucks about to be outed
listen to my album
you gonna hear about the fake mother fuckers i counted
call it a roundup
these words are well founded
I know y'all hate the truth
now you bout to be surronded
I never should have allowed it
but I'm telling yall right now
this is my vow
now that I know what I'm about
I'm hella proud
an I will never again allow
myself to reach out
to any of you fake ass haters that doubted
there aint gonna be no more hand outs
or bailout
keep talkin all that shit
ill come to your house
an close that fucking mouth

As my facts stack
I had to react fast
saying fuck the past
but I gotta ask
what the fuck yall laughing at
keep it up an im gonna come to where you at
and we going to have us a Lil chat
you gonna regret taken that path
yall are sad
fucking haters,
cuz everything I want you know
I can have

your fucking weak
you lack any talent
I'm out your league
you must concede
I'm a rare ass breed
the only thing that makes you unique
is that your up shits creek
at your fucking peak
if it's you against me you always getting beat
you will never witness my defeat

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Round up

Heavy metal hip hop
