Вернуться в Библиотеку Песен


4 minutes long, dark, country ballad, acoustic guitar, grizzled male vocals


We All love,
down into the ground we sleep.
Where'd you go?
Did you go to see the lord?
Break me,
change my world.
I miss you so I want to die,

You are gone but never forgotten.
You stay with me, you are my curse.
My mind is like a non-stop movie reel of you.
The good times and bad times I miss it all.
here in,

Bite out a chunk of some guys face, in a bar fight last night.
Then punched his lady’s lights out.
Seemed damn near the whole bar put the boots to me.
Last thing I remembered was laughin’ at the pain.
Thought I might die,
that’s the best sleep I’ve had since you’ve left,

I knew you most my life.
It was you who kept me sane.
With you gone these past 4 years,
I found out I’m a really terrible human-being.
I try to forget you,
through random acts of violence.

Having these pleasant thoughts of you makes me go mad.
I do evil wicked things to take the place of you.
Stab a guy. Make him cry out to the lord,
It’s a suffering,

Lookin’ for numbness.
Filled with hate cause you’re gone.
Lookin’ for a sick thrill,
Lookin’ to kill, lookin’ to Un-feel.
in my God forsaken,

Strangle a man stiff,
snuffed out his soul,
watch his life leave his eyes.
Where did he go?
Did he go to see the lord,
is he with you now?
Why oh why, do we love and leave?

You dance like the devil in my head,
the nights are the worst.
I see your ghost.
I yell and cuss God.
I talk to myself,
and the man that answers back, is the man I hate the most,
and I do what he says and what he says is never good.
I let blackness plague my heart.
I let darkness capture my soul.
I let you… Fill my mind!

Was in my truck driving the countryline late last night.
Seen a cowboy and his gal leaving the county tavern,
I ran them down just for the, “thud”.

I punch out mirrors,
cause I can’t look me in the face.
I’m a disgrace to my mom.
I’m a disgrace to my dad.
I’m a disgrace to you...
I’m out for fuckin’ blood!
In this fucked-up countryline.
I’m lookin’ to get killed.
I beat the shit outta myself!
I put my head through the walls.
I put my arms on the stove.
There’s nothing left to say,
It’s no good what I do.

I am hell bound for the things I’ve done to try and forget you.
I’m night driving with a sawed off & a forty-five.
Took a couple snorts of that strong snow &
a few long swigs from a bottle of crown courage.
Gonna go out with shots ringing out,
let the bullets send me off.
pedal to the metal…

Put my truck through the police station!
I want to die please, oh please,
I’m taking me away, from your memories.
shotgun blast a cop.
taken on the law,

I need put in the ground.
Shoot me down,
end my world.
I’m laughin’ at the pain,
as the numbness creeps in.
Cops are having their way…
I’m Full-Moon fadin’ now…



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4 minutes long, dark, country ballad, acoustic guitar, grizzled male vocals
