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Christian Rap Horrorcore Trap Vinyl DJ Turntable Scratch, Piano, Bells, Bones Clinging, Christian Worship, Church Choir


!!!Chosen To Be Christian!!!


Let my words be carried on the wings of birds
To nerds with zits chasing glam & glitz causing herds
The world can be ruthless
You can have it all before you know it, you’re smiling for pictures toothless
Thinking things are cool only leads you to act out like a fool
Trying to break all the rules
Moral values to ambitions shattered by made hands you duel
Left there bleeding out alone in the world that is cruel


Step back from the devil’s game
A miserable story can only be told by your own blame
Pull yourself back from
“While the fallen hover”
Don’t let blessed waters blind your heart with a face below the slosh
“While the liven still hunger”
You’re never alone when you are a Christian
Were chosen to be Christian
Uhh… what….
Chosen to be Christian


So here I am planting my Jesus loven Christian seeds
While I still wear my Native Indigenous beads
Writing poetry about some of good reads but blank is my social feeds
Meta isn’t as it perceives
All it achieves to do is distract us from physically making good deeds
You can’t donate to charities
Give to the homeless
Lend a helping hand to disabled, elderly & the labeled unprivileged youth by just word of mouth
Services to the lord is like trying to cut fabric with a extremely dull sword
Swinging it & slapping leather with intensity of a wooden board
Not trying to blast social media with a roast
Good intentions can’t be felt by those who need you most
I guarantee they didn’t see your post


Every Melamine, Sex, Orientation, Religion, & Identification can make it into heaven
Judgements dealt by the given
Person to person were meant to live by their own depiction
Every decision is part of our final eternal mission
So stand up paise God among the Chosen
Stand with the Christian
Were all swallowed by sin
Fight against evil
When we all rise up together hand in hand
Blight of the devil
Lucifer failed to make us kin
He’ll cringe imploding with a singe


Step back from the devil’s game
A miserable story can only be told by your own blame
Pull yourself back from
“While the fallen hover”
Don’t let blessed waters blind your heart with a face below the slosh
“While the liven still hunger”
You’re never alone when you are a Christian
Were chosen… chosen…
Whoa…. Uhh… what….
Chosen to be Christian


…Wa.. Wa.. Wakshi Batoo


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Christian Rap Horrorcore Trap Vinyl DJ Turntable Scratch, Piano, Bells, Bones Clinging, Christian Worship, Church Choir
