Вернуться в Библиотеку Песен

Memphis Rap, keyboard, drumline


leggo my ego
nobody checked on me
i went crazy
i lost myself in the sound
dead or alive
my music spins you right round
like a record baby
I’m skipping
with a hop in my step
i picked up my phone
what you expect
daddy don’t love you
daddy loves a check
that’s why he won’t hire you
watch me turn S&C into a shipwreck
you must have missed the report
young hawk is a walking felony search war-
rant with a finger in my nose diggin for a gold
watch as I take off
and I fly like my dad wishes he always could
oh how a Windy City humbles those cold souls
as a breeze blows
on the song goes

leggo my ego
it’s psychological like Pisces and Leo
I’m the kinda dude to pull up in a Geo
blasting eminem or some other childhood hero
my gears in synchro
any downside I have zero
blowin blunts at the bistro
who am I but a cocky humble weirdo
lickin windows on the short bus
blasting music they call corny I like Russ
i will not tolerate a fuss
buzz buzz ima bee singin fuck the fuzz
as I leave the dispensary with a paper bag of weed
all I need
belly feed
feds falling from cloud seeds
because God shot em down for all those dirty deeds
they told me take the lead
i have anxiety
but I still stood at the stand at age 15
and said “I’m guilty”
sent away for 10 days
but at 13 it was 9 months and 2 plays
so sorry if I’m not okay (I promise)
ima smash this shit like Gods Adonis
solo dolo with no accomplice
let that sink into your subconscious
i am the colossus
the boss of all bosses
the main character
and the NPC stackin sauces
in the restaurant we call the kitchen
because that’s the only way I can do dishes
that’s why I say if you don’t like me
sleep with fishes
because I’ve been working since day 1
I’m tired and I’m bitchin
I’ve never had a break or time off
my whole life I been swinging
how the fuck I suck at golf
never mind
negativity can dissolve
in the acid like a body in a Netflix special
Jeff the smells strong
that’s the bodies of the children the Middle East lost
too strong
nah it’s too soft
this is America all we do is drop bombs
in the name of a Christian God
fuck off
y’all disgust me
it’s just back and forth hypocrisy
they kill us so we kill them
and on and on we go round on a hole filled horsey
the Americans are coming!
the Americans are gunning!
down every body supporting bodily autonomy
72% of politicians partook in child pornography
i shouldn’t have to map this out
we all sat in the same class Learning topography
my philosophy
clean water for all
no apostrophe
we rid the world of monopolies
I’m bored with this game
Butt fuck you if you tell me put the pen down today
fuck it
I think your dad’s gone crazy!!!

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Memphis Rap, keyboard, drumline
