Misunderstood Anger…
rock, mariachi, balladLyrics
I’m not scared to die,
I might blow a mind,
or 2, 3, 4, the entire force,
choke ‘em out like the sadist I love to be,
slice a nice little smile starting from the jugular, to the spine in between,
and twist until I hear the rattle because you can’t breathe.
this is my mind when I don’t have weed.
I can’t think.
I can’t even drink.
like water because the shit comes out brown from the sink,
but yeah, go spend Two trillion for the military,
except you’re forgetting the ones you left dead from untreated PTSD, left to freeze, cold and homeless people dying in a breeze, because the shelter said they’re full and you’re too selfish to offer a couch to sleep. Would NEVER be me.
I’m bringing out the claws,
because you yourself claimed you don’t care who shoots,
get ready! I’m swishin’ killshots like I’m wearing 22, sorry, 23,
or both, you never know with a freak like me,
I might threaten you online and never see you in the streets,
doesn’t mean I won’t hit you with every single piece,
I am the shadows.
I am the unknown.
I am the easily observable,
I’m also an Oracle,
hand picked by the Aliens to scold you as we’re hovering above the planet watching you murder your own family over something as simple as crack money.
Door, Open, nurse just gave me Norco, Flexerall, and I’m feeling like a couple houses need some fresh Sherwin Williams on the wall…
do I want to get my hands dirty, or, do I want to pawn it off to an A.I. or, do I want to let the automated vehicle clip you on an unmanned drive by?
you never know with my mind. see, you could tell me I’m just a clown fish, but that’s just your perception of a broken reality, dawg, I’m no killer but sometimes a real beast gets hungry,
and you’re looking like a good feast with all that freshly printed cheese.
even if it’s artificial, you’re good with me because I don’t even do my own laundry,
so you can keep washing bills and ill keep taking these lil pain pills, while I smoke some
shit I had delivered from Taiwan…
By an officer of the supposed law, because we all know A CAB, a taxi can always be bought, and when it gets hot, it’s all good because he’s the one who’s bound by blood to take the fall.
so don’t you ever tell me I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing, don’t you ever come at me over a single thing. I’m psychopathic, the only empathy I have is for those affected by these evil humans ill gotten gains.
feel the rain.
drop, drop, down goes a boss, drop, drop, didn’t even know I knew who you were!
Your own gang is selling you out and feeding info to undercovers that you dick down before you sleep.
oh, I’m not supposed to say that! great! put a price on my head and see if someone comes to get that money back with a kinky kinda BANG!
See, you’re so brainwashed you think I’m sending you to God, I’m not, I’m educating you on how you’re killing your own community, and that’s wrong bruh.
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