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Shawn Rain - Absolue

RnB Bangers


Shawn Rain!!!
Shawny Shawn....
Shawn Rain....

Hook :1

I lik to drop dop
on the big sope
Make IT loud on the long roat
Burn the tire you go turn

RnB big style raccord

Gang on m'y life we need dope

Smoking loud the big smug
If you chok on the smoke

you need to better run
Dont turn Your back
you need to run

Dont fall on the Floor of the street
Gang on m'y life they gone you beat


I like to drop dop
on the big sope
Make IT loud on the long fucking roat
Burn the tire you go turn

RnB big style raccord

Gang on m'y life we need dope

Smoking loud the big smug
If you chok on the smoke

you need to better run
Dont turn Your back
you need to run

Dont fall on the Floor of the street
Gang on m'y life they gone you beat

Im percent undred percent

Top on m'y capacity
Free represent m'y city

We chill AT the corners of m'y street
Connection with the men of by
Shawny Shawn always im so hight!!!

Get fly to Die
To the till i Die
For you mystifie Your tirth eyes

For make confuse Your mind

You Sée the hide your eyes blinde
Something Strange in the back

When walk alone you watch Your back

Eny probleme can be back

Make IT turn head on the crash

You get probleme on turn back

Change Your life to be fast
Change Your mind you Need catch

Verse : 1

Beat you head this on the beat
Scrash !!! On the music on
Cuz you go and on and on

Make a good song damn song

I lik to drop dop on the big sop
Make IT loud on the long roat
Burn the tire you go turn
RnB big style raccord
Gang on m'y life we need the dop
Smoking loud the big blunt
If you chok on the smoke you need to better run
Dont turn Your back you need to run
Dont fall on the Floor the street
Gang on m'y life they go to beat

Verse :2

Make you bounce Your Hips
Girl give me Your lips
And your lips on Dick

Girl you Nice chicks
I like your small tits
I like your big tits

Girl can you Lick this
Make IT like this

Everybody wanna make IT move like this
Swinging Your Hips is on the pôle
Make IT some bred

Afther the sex bed afther the club
Afther the big bred you gonna head lock

I drink the redbull and m'y best Friend is the bull

I lik to drop dop on the big sop
Make IT loud on the long roat
Burn the tire you go turn
RnB big style raccord
Gang on m'y life we need the dop
Smoking loud the big blunt
If you chok on the smoke you need to better run
Dont turn Your back you need to run
Dont fall on the Floor the street
Gang on m'y life they go to beat

Verse : 4

We like to go work everyday
Cuz on m'y way I like to go hard

Yeah I Got the eyes on me cuz im stange
Everybody Talk Aboute the stranger
I love my green soot like a green ranger

Im not a vanger

Juste i am the big stoner

The real big fat m'y jointe
I need to get pointe
This is what that point

M'y Girlz is on point
Everything coins
Make that point

Everybody wanna make on point

I lik to drop dop on the big sop
Make IT loud on the long roat
Burn the tire you go turn
RnB big style raccord

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