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Just Random Rhyming for flow Practicing

Hip Hop, boom bap, kick drum, snare drum


damn daddy high
daddy high daddy real damn high
really really high from some shit from the shy,
I can see it all, or so I feel within the glass of the past fracturing my mind, and my perspective shifts to a brighter side to life,

ayo you ready?

we come alive in 5!

about to donuts in the middle of University and 60th on my electric trike,
hold up traffic with my middle finger to the sky!
like fuck you, you’ll have to run me over or just wait til this shit dies!
you’re a penis! this is what you get for driving a car guys!


Head meets bumper of a Bronco, I got a helmet tho, so I grabbed my wrench and I beat his head light, one to the left and a strike to the right eye, cut his left ear in an up and down slice, the headed to Lakeside to roll the dice, and chuckle like they don’t know I left my location on so I’d know they’d find, the beacon of a songbirds light, screaming the fears of an anxious life into the stars as she’s crying the entire night, and so she takes it all out on you in that unfair street fight. BITCH! Nighty night, I told y’all wait for the bike! didn’t listen to the dawg so this pussy bites! and when she wraps her lips around you, it’s like a vaginal Venus fly trap, suckin up the seaman like a siren with the clap (wait what, we don’t have that) SHUT UP DARRYL!

“Who the fuck is Darryl!?”

Damn, maybe they really do have D.I.D.
dissociated from any form of self identity,
refusing to identify,
“what’s you’re name your name guy”
“now who the fuck you callin’ a guy!? What guy has b cups and a skirt on, officer, your eyes!?”
“sorry the itty bitty titty committee’s got me mesmerized.”
“Jesus Christ…”

Fucked on the train tracks,
bare naked behind the trees,
and it’s not even like I wanted that,
he just a uniformed hood rat,
and I’m a well dressed ratchet with a purple strap,
so it’s almost destiny we met beyond the borderline of the brain’s map,
that’s deeper than one single listen will be able to let you comprehend,
my brain finds the truth of the world hidden deep underneath a fake sea of pretend,
malicious intent,
premeditated, but ruled as self defense,
truth between the lie is that I’m calling for an immediate S.O.S.
but they haven’t heard the signal and if they have my words left them adrift.
deep diving the depravity of with which I write,
Silent nights,
oh silent nights,
silent nights
oh silent nights,
silent cries,
as the silence dies,
and the silence closes too many more eyes,
through the form of covert narcissism and a deep desire to hide,
the true extent of this twisted carnival ride, hidden within the woodwork of a paralyzed mind…
a paralyzed mind.
my mind, my parallelogram shaped mind…

all I can think about is a banana hammock,
and some dick so big it could mushroom stamp a planet,
Hittin us from between an alien’s hips, and the sperm impregnates a woman named Janet, sticking to everything like hella good magnets, of the game I am a Wooly mammoth, roaming the frozen planet…

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Just Random Rhyming for flow Practicing

Hip Hop, boom bap, kick drum, snare drum
