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People Places And Patience

Heavy metal hip hop


People Places And Patience
some fight the truth
some face it
I do em both up in the Booth
wit a sequenced cadence
from my dedication

for new wording
for the way im hurtin

u gettin an education
with these facts I'm stating
you going to feel the vibrations
across the nation
just pick a station
I'll be in every rotation
coming straight out The Middie
yea its the shitty
right between Cincinnati and Dayton
I'm tired of wasting
my time waiting
I'm staying
away from these fucked up chicks trying to get me to date em
look I ain't hating
but you an me ain't mating
no I'm not debating
on who I'm going to be laying
ight i might
need a couple by my side tonight
fuck a bride
just open wide
an let me slide
up inside
filling you wit delight
and I always get another invite despite
I might decide
to provide
a downside
hey baby why try
when I'm a nice guy
so I'm like
hi my name is Jamie
this might sound crazy
but honey you looking yummy
got me feeling lucky
and presently
your are my specialty
you feeling the chemistry
cuz I humbly
ask you to trust me
I called a Lyft to give you a ride
awwww don't cry
I don't mean to pry
but do you have some place to go
I buy my lie
on the fly
but why decide besides
she hides
her excitement
an prides herself for fighting it
I decide to quit
tell her to kick back just sit
an forget
all about
that shit I was talking my head was in the clouds
no no no
don't have any doubt
hey hey hey
I won't listen to you shout
she's like
what but, you probably think I'm some slut
that just here to help you bust yo nut huh

well I gotta say baby
i was thinking you looking like a dime plus
for pennies
an feel like you would look damn good bouncing up an down on me like a bunny
don't worry honey
if you hungry
I promise to fill yo tummy
no worries
if you in a hurry
I'm a little rusty
an you lookin hella lovely
so I humbly
offer you the bubbly
after you position
I reposition you
so can get cuddly
getting real comfy
an in rhe morning when we wake feeling a little
an our memories are still fuzzy
you feeling spunky
so before you get out the bed you startin the day off
given me a toughie
an I see you start to get comfy
then begin to tell me you hungry
I jump up
real quick
hit you wi a salute
don't get things misconstrude
but its time to say goodbye you an i gotta conclude
I have one hell of a commute
you looking so cute
laying there speachless
completly mute
I toss over hundo
you scream
I'm no bimbo
I start to run
as you
yelling behind me
BUT I swallowed
your screams just echoed
all the way to the studio
ya this is why I stay solo
I ain't no Romeo

you can't run forever Chico



but i gotta let you know if
i get wit ya
sister she gonna glow

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People Places And Patience

Heavy metal hip hop
