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Grizzled angry voice, powerful and calm, dramatic, dark, cinematic


I smiled on an ungrateful world.
I witnessed as they spewed on to the streets and devoured all that which was sacred. I gritted my teeth as they imbued the world with their perversions. The feeling of watching them destroy the protectors sickened me to depth of my belly. I heard their ear piercing cries of fairness as they stood on the necks of dead hero’s. Their suckling and incessant gnawing away at the works of others all while crying for more was likened to that of swine crying for slops after devouring the carcass of their own. The ideology of the idolatry and preachings of the perverted have overtaken muck like rats to a fine feast. Rotten to the core they have fallen blind to their own greed. The withering of humanity had turned them to that of cattle was swift like a thief in the night. They deceive their eyes to unsee the injustice and have instead fallen to the primal sleep of comfort. Lust has swept over them like locusts in a ripe crop. They rape the body of liberty and whale for the succulent taste of freedom. They curse the creator and praise the one who damns. They see not what they do, for an open eye brings accountability. Like animals they allow themselves to be lead to the slaughter, fattened and oblivious. How simple it would be to awaken.

I wonder what beautiful dreams you must have to remain in your slumber. Could it be the promise of paradise and abundance? No it seems even that pigeon may not have reached your nook. What then? Are you afraid of the monsters you choose not to see? Yes! That must be it. Fear not. For they are great but we are many. Arise my friend.

How easy it’d be for the swine to rise up and eat the farmer. But Alas, am I much better? For I too partake in the pleasures of atrocity and abomination. In my punishment it seems Im damned to Forever, be the poet and never the poem. For I am awake and unable to dream. I am learned of the reality within the reality. I have held witness the cogs of the machine. This sickening machine. This machine fueled by ignorance and flesh. Her eye has commanded the masses, and I have gazed into her eye. My friend, note these words; I have seen into her soul and seen only rot.

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Grizzled angry voice, powerful and calm, dramatic, dark, cinematic
