

Ethnic New Age music


‎وضَربا بحجرٍ حَجَرًا
‎‏They struck one stone against another

‎‏by chance,

‎فَشَرَزَت شَرارَةٌ
‎‏and sparks flew,

‎أنارَت ضَوْءًا
‎‏illuminating the light.

‎فأخذَ يَطرُقُ الأحْجارَ
‎‏So, he began to strike the stones

‎بَعضَها ببَعضٍ
‎‏against each other,

‎ويَحُكُّ الأشياءَ
‎‏and rub objects

‎بَعضَها في بَعضٍ
‎‏against one another,

‎فَشَرَزَت شَرارَةٌ
‎‏until a spark flew,

‎مَسَكَت في العُشبِ
‎‏and caught the grass.

‎كانَ فَرحًا حَزينًا، خائفًا
‎‏He was joyfully sad, afraid,

‎إنَّها النارُ
‎‏for it was fire,

‎جاءَت كَوَحْشٍ
‎‏it came like a monster,

‎مَلَكَ النارَ للدِّفءِ
‎‏yet fire became a tool for warmth,

‎‏for cooking,

‎وَالنُّورِ بالليلِ
‎‏for light at night,

‎وَطَرَدَ الحيوانَ
‎‏and to drive away animals

‎بِسِلاحِ الخَوْفِ
‎‏with the weapon of fear.

‎وكَبُرَ مِخُّهُ، وهَدَأَت نَفْسُهُ
‎‏And his mind grew, and his soul calmed,

‎رُويدًا، رُويدًا
‎‏slowly, slowly,

‎وتعلَّمَ، وأصبحَ فَطِنًا
‎‏and he learned, becoming wise

‎‏and intelligent,

‎يُفَكِّرُ، بِعُمقٍ
‎‏thinking deeply.

‎وعِندَما فَكَّرَ
‎‏But when he thought,

‎خافَ أكثرَ
‎‏he became more afraid,

‎‏he sighed,

‎وسألَ السُّؤالَ المُحَرَّمَ
‎‏and asked the forbidden question:

‎مِن أينَ أتيتَ
‎‏“Where did all this love come from

‎بكُلِّ هذا الحُبِّ
‎‏amidst all this fear?”

‎وَسَطَ كُلِّ هذا الخَوفِ؟
‎‏amidst all this fear?

‎وفَكَّرَ في مَعْنى المَوْتِ
‎‏He thought about the meaning of death,

‎ولامَ الصَّانعَ لِلحياةِ
‎‏and blamed the creator of life,

‎لأنَّهُ صَنعَ معَ الحياةِ المَوْتَ
‎‏for with life, he created death,

‎وانطِفاءَ الرأسِ
‎‏the extinguishing of the mind,

‎والفِراقَ والحُزْنَ
‎‏separation, and sorrow.

‎وبكى، ونامَ وحَلِمَ
‎‏And he wept, slept, and dreamed.

‎إنَّهُ كُلُّهُ حُلمٌ، وَهْمٌ
‎‏He dreamt it was all a dream, an illusion,

‎وأنَّهُ لم يَعُدْ هُناكَ خَوْفٌ
‎‏and that fear no longer existed.

‎وأنَّهُ لا مَوْتَ إلا حَياةٌ
‎‏That there is no death, only life,

‎وأنَّهُ بَعدَ المَوتِ حيٌّ
‎‏and that after death, there is life.

‎وفَكَّرَ في الأفعَى
‎‏And he thought of the snake,

‎وقالَ: الحياةُ هيَ بقاءٌ وحَربٌ
‎‏and said, “Life is survival and war.

‎والدُّنيا وَجْهَينِ، خَيْرٌ، وَشَرٌّ
‎‏The world has two faces, good and evil.”

‎لكنه طالَبَ، بالحِفاظِ على شَجرةِ النَّسْلِ
‎‏But he demanded the preservation of the family tree,

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Ethnic New Age music
