

Hip hop


I want to tell you a story about a man named Trump.
He was well loved by all not considered a chump.
But then one day he had a change of heart.
He became a republican and that was the start.

For 10 years now the democrats have tried.
But after all their efforts they just sat down and cried.
You see despite all their games and their political war.
The Trump just got stronger with now a mandate to even the score.

The left they thought they could justify their sin.
But this is the Trump, he was born to win.
They tried impeachments, court dates and false accusation.
But you can't defeat a man who has passionate love for his nation.

And so we are 2 days away from Trump taking back the rule.
And the democrats hurting from having to go back to school.
You see the dems never learned you cannot keep a good man down.
And when that man is Trump then you're going to be taken to town.

Again and again the democrats did try.
And still they couldn't see that MAGA just wouldn't die. They yelled, they screamed until they were blue in the face
But the Trump just kept going he was winning the race.

So Biden and Harris must now go away
Because Trump and his team are going to save the day.
Kamala spoke in riddles and old Joe just mumbled.
For the last 4 years the country has just stumbled
America right now is not what she used to be.
Because Joe and Kamala destroyed all yet the dems still cannot see

But there is a bright hope and the horizon looks quite clear.
Trump is back in town, old enemies back in fear.
The USA flags are flying again and the world is looking in.
The America the world once knew is back, her friends share America's grin.

So listen all you democrats and all you who hate the Trump.
The MAGA army has risen we're marching to the White House with a thump.
You tried to cancel, silence and intimidate us with your hypocritical little war.
But now it's us who holds the power, and we have a mandate to settle the score.

But Trump isn't like you in the way he does his thing.
He will however cause you some discomfort and his policies will sting.
He doesn't look to shut you down or make you go away.
He just wants to make America great again.
Because that's the American way...

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Hip hop
