This fish
one fish two fish red fish dead fish,
Yo this shit is simple, don’t over complicate it
Wait sit down let me explain it
See when I was young I thought the world was fun
Too young to know that I was dumb
But not looking back I see I’m just another son of a gun for believing any of it could’ve ever been done.
Yea, one fish two fish red fish dead fish,
A room full of modern feminists got the place smelling like that fish,
Damn so it’s ok for you to hope and pray for more dead men just so you can stay bliss?
Man that’s kinda fucked. Was there a memo or something I missed?
Because when I wanted to focus on my boys that’s selfish move.
Damn. Yo, Where the give and relinquish y’all talk about so much? Want it all up front but can’t front you end of the bill.
Damn so focused on tik tok y’all ain’t even get workable skill.
Wait there’s a woman with 2 children and 3 baby daddies? Wait there’s a man who only loves if she’s a baddie? Man something ain’t right here, it’s upside down twisted got me feeling like life’s a billabong. I guess that’s why everyone just sits back and hits the bong. This mother fucker been going on for way too long. Something in the water got them all so wrong.
Damn This shit here is enough to drive you insane man,
But fuck man it’s the same plan they spat back in your face when you down and out.
But wait it was my bro who had my back not to long ago, shit. good looking out bro.
Now I’m feeling done with this shit, I’m over out.
Like a radio station broadcasting for only trout,
See These hoes will beat you down and get you for clout.
But don’t be sad boy, nah don’t even pout. Nah
See, when you see the world for what it is,
You’ll arrive to this simple hypothesis.
Man it is what it mother fucking is. And you know they’ll use you up for biz.
So say it with me now.
One fish two fish red fish dead fish. How many fish in the mother fucking sea?
Damn Enough to drown me out undoubtedly.
But fuck it I’m all grown now,
I see it for what it is.
I don’t ever expect a text back,
Or response to that.
Or how you doing Matt?
Or I’ll help you with that.
But damn I don’t need any of that.
I got my cat and my mother fucking gat so Whatchu gone do about that?
See when you searching for love all you find is pain,
Say that three times to keep you from going insane,
Wait this bitch ass world is getting plain without someone to blame.
So say it with me again
one fish two fish red fish dead fish,
Be a mother fucker with just one wish,
Be a fool with a death wish
But I ain’t above any of it and damn my heart really here in this deep pit.
Man just stop it.
Wrong for me to expect a new years kiss.
Wrong for me to imagine a life with simple bliss
And Wrong for me to wish for more than this.
And damn Wrong for me to want to find a better ms
Come on y’all be playing games with my mind,
Why can’t an action just be kind? But thy gotta get it out on the gram for all to see.
So much content, just See
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