industrial, classical, choral, piano theme song introLyrics
In the shadows of a torcher lighter igniting a lightbulb.
Where the aisles are full a homeless junkies getting highernfuk.
A whisper turns to a raging shout,
Lost a half gram, everyone hurry duck down...
He walked in with a heart full of hate,
Cause a little homeless phaggot stole his half a gram a crank.
Fueled by the fire, grabbed a needle shot a eighth.
Directly in his veins, now he thanks. He's in g.t.a.
Oh great!
Ain't no time to waste.
Snatched a grandma out her car and blew out her brains.
But oh, oh, oh, I think meth and weed.
Weren't the remedy for my old friends needs.
Gotta be at least a dozen, body's fill the streets.
Look the homeless have arrived to begin there feast.
And oh, oh, oh, I know it may seem disgusting fukked up and obscene.
I was told that understanding is key whatever the fukk that means..
Bow your heads before we eat.
Among the shelves, a moment turned fate,
Terror unleashed, filled with anger and hate,
But the screams ring your ears while you stomp him to a paste.
Starting stabbing the ones that try to run away.
Janitor in need,
Clean up on isle 3.
Mel murdered them with ease,
All the blood became a stream.
He coasted all the way to Isle 16 where he got some bullets for his M16
Fully loaded two clips all the way to the seam.
And he fully unleashed killed at least 83.
A machete, starts decapitating few that he see.
Found the phag who had snatched the shit that made you freak.
You fucked him up so bad the guy beside me. Pikes and gags.
Heard the crunching, as you're chewing rocks from your meth stash.
But oh, oh, oh, I think meth and weed.
Weren't the remedy for my old friends needs.
Gotta be at least a dozen, body's fill the streets.
Look the homeless have arrived to begin there feast.
They're slaughtering human bodies starting with there skin.
Compressed and harvested some arteries stored in a fridge.
Sharing heroin and needles hepatitis and aids.
Jerk off to marinate a perfectly baked rib cage.
A flash of regret, the meth starts to fade,
Police have surrounded Mel inside that place.
Tears start to fall, a heart finally sees,
Gun to his head he said lick my hairy ass cheeks..
You'll never capture me!
But oh, oh, oh, Mel missed his head when he blowed.
The police Taze him and some raped him in his hairy ass whole.
You can hear some homeless junkies saying please let him go.
You're cult of homeless junkies rising applauding echoes.
You've got enough meat for them to hibernate all year long
Ashes glide into the wind , your having Dhamer specialty.
Drugs are the answer, and so is human meat.
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