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Tash 8



Tash is storming through the door, always causing a scene,
She's Shouting about the animals, and acting fucking obscene.

Always Stripping down in public, in front of young eyes, Claimin' it's for the cause, but we know it's just lies.

Her Soy Boy Jack, is always by her side and filming away and Pointing his camera at kids like a peddo with no consequences , coming his way.

They say they're saving lives, but it's all just a show, It's for clicks and cash, not the cows in the meadow.

Oh, Tash and Jack, what are you doing? Disrupting businesses that your trying to ruin.

You say you're saviors, but it's just for the fame, The whole state hates you and wishes you'd go away.

Let's talk real food, yeah, let's be frank, A good steak's better than some soy based chemical crap.

Meat makes us strong, keeps us alive, You will keep on disrupting, but we will always survive.

Talking about cows getting raped just to breed.
Claiming we steal their milk to fulfill our greed.

But what's your plan, Tash? To shock and dismay?
The kids don't need your naked body always on display.

Banned from the pubs, can't go out for a beer, Every venue says, "Sorry, you can't come in here.

The people are fed up, they've had their fill, shut your big hole and let them cook on the grill.

Oh, Tash and Jack, what are you doing? Disrupting businesses that your trying to ruin.

You say you're saviors, but it's just for the fame, The whole state hates you and wishes you'd go away.

Let's talk real food, yeah, let's be clear, A grill-fired burger or a roast to cheer

You can keep your tofu, we'll take our ribs, We'll stick to tradition, and you can keep your fibs.

If you really cared, you'd be out in the field, Not screaming in supermarkets, demanding we yield.

So go on Tash, you can keep shouting.

we'll eat what we choose.
It's our right,
it's our way,
it's not for you to abuse.

The truth is quite simple, and it cuts right through, Eating Meat is tradition, and we'll always stay true.

You say you're saviors, but it's just for the fame, The whole state hates you and wishes you'd go away.

Let's talk real food, it's not just a trend, Meat is a staple, from beginning to end.

You can cry foul, but it won't change our mind, an all vegan world is impossible, your cult will soon find.

So Tash Peterson, This song is for you and your Soyboy Jack too.

It's time for you both to see that you'll never change me, and that youll always be in the wrong.

So Please get the fuck out of our state and just move along.

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Tash 8

