Synthesizer keyboard dance music pop country super catchy great vocals male voiceLyrics
(Soft piano intro)
Why do they look away?
Why do they say those things?
Let’s talk about it today,
Bring hope on angel wings.
In a world that claims to know,
There’s a truth they fail to see,
Autism's colors, bright and bold,
Just a different way to be.
They label with whispers, they judge with a glance,
But in our hearts, we know,
There’s beauty in every chance.
So why do people shame autism?
It’s not that bad, can't they understand?
It's just like a spectrum or a prism,
Let’s break these barriers, take a stand.
Embrace our quirks, celebrate the light,
Together we can make it right.
In the silence, there’s a voice,
A world in their minds to explore,
With every giggle, there’s a choice,
To turn the shame into a roar.
The labels we carry don’t define our worth,
We’re more than judgments, we’re magic on this Earth.
So why do people shame autism?
It’s not that bad, can’t they see the way?
Let’s lift up each other, break the prison,
Love is the language we’ll convey.
Embrace our quirks, it’s a beautiful ride,
Together we will stand with pride.
(Instrumental shift, hopeful tones)
Open your heart, let understanding in,
Challenge the norms, let acceptance begin.
We’re not alone; together, we’ll rise,
In our differences, we find our skies.
So why do people shame autism?
It’s not that bad, can’t they understand?
It’s a world of wonder, a prism,
Let’s shatter the walls, hand in hand.
Embrace our quirks, don’t turn away,
Together we will shine today.
(Soft fading melody)
Let’s take a stand, let’s light the way,
For every child, let’s make a brighter day.
Why do they look away, I’ll never know,
But love and understanding… that’s how we grow.
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