orchestral, acoustic guitar, countryLyrics
Oh, yeah, life keeps rolling on,
Sometimes feels like I’m just a distant song.
Oh, I got a need for connection, keeps me up at night,
Tryin’ to resolve, but it don’t feel right,
Looked in the mirror, but I had to laugh,
‘Cause the answer starin’ back’s a face I’d half unmask.
My kids all grown, they flew the nest,
Left me with this house, a little stressed,
But I got my pride, yeah, I’m not alone—
They call once a week on the telephone!
I tried to get out, mingle and flirt,
Turns out desperation don’t work, it hurts,
Bought a nice shirt, but I still felt snubbed,
Guess I don’t clean up like I thought I could.
My kids all grown, they call when they can,
Sometimes it’s five minutes—well, that’s the plan,
And I play it cool, like I’m doin’ just fine,
Got a couch and a beer that’s as loyal as time.
Yeah, I’m that lonely cowboy singin’ his blues,
Got Netflix for company, and old worn shoes,
They say, “Just reach out!” but it’s hard to see
When every hand’s busy scrollin’ down a screen.
So here I sit, this lonely heart,
Tryin’ to find some purpose, some brand new start,
In a world full of noise, it’s hard to be seen,
But I’ll hold on tight to this old daydream.
Looking through the photos, memories to share,
The laughter, the chaos, life’s wild affair,
So I light a candle in the quiet night air,
Hope fills the room with the love that we bared.
My kids all grown, but they still hold my heart,
In the stories we share, we’ll never be apart,
And though I’m alone, there’s warmth in the tone,
In the laughter that echoes through this old home.
So here’s to connection, though it’s hard to find,
In the love of my children
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