Freedom's Walk
country acoustic melodicLyrics
Sean, your lies are over, can't stand your sham,
You've burned too many bridges, I won't give a damn,
Philip, get a job that you have truly earned,
It's time to face the truth and let the tables turn.
Freedom's walk is calling me, I'm breaking the chains,
No more bows to anyone, I'm taking the reins,
Danielle, your games and tricks can't hurt me anymore,
I'm rising up stronger than I've ever soared before.
[Verse 2]
Sean, your words were empty, promises all broke,
Thought you'd pull the wool, but you fell in the smoke,
Philip, chase your shadows, but the light must shine,
Find a path that's honest, it's time to draw the line.
Freedom's walk is calling me, I'm breaking the chains,
No more bows to anyone, I'm taking the reins,
Danielle, your games and tricks can't hurt me anymore,
I'm rising up stronger than I've ever soared before.
Bruised but not broken, I've seen through the haze,
Truth and lies entangled in a wild, wicked maze,
Sean, Philip, Danielle, your hold's lost its grip,
I'm steering my ship, let the stormy waters rip.
[Verse 3]
Sean, keep your distance, I'm done with your plight,
Philip, forge a future, let the darkness be light,
Danielle, your sway has crumbled, I stand tall and free,
No more bending over, it's my turn to be me.
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