Lucky day
easy listening country pop catchy tune male voice , soundtrackLyrics
(Oh-oh, oh-oh)
Please can I just get some luck today?
(Oh-oh, oh-oh)
Let the worries drift away, hey!
Woke up feeling like I’m hit by a truck,
Overwhelmed by the weight and the lack of luck,
But I rise with a smile, let the sunlight in,
Wipe the shadows off my heart, let the day begin.
Got no school, no work, a day meant to be free,
I step outside, breathe deep, feel the energy.
The world’s a canvas, and I’m ready to paint,
Colors of joy, and I'm living without restraint.
Oh, can I just find a little bit of grace?
Where every corner brings a smiling face,
Let the waves wash away my fears of tomorrow,
Fill my heart with joy, oh, no more sorrow.
Just a day where everything’s alright—
Can I have some luck, oh, can I feel the light?
Head to the store, and everything’s for free,
The universe whispering, “Just be, just be.”
I wander through aisles, what a lovely surprise,
Chocolate and laughter underneath sunny skies.
Grab my towel, hit the beach, it’s a ghost town,
Just me and the ocean, no one else around.
Splash in the water, watch the sun gleam,
Every moment’s a treasure, living out my dream.
Oh, can I just find a little bit of grace?
Where every corner brings a smiling face,
Let the waves wash away my fears of tomorrow,
Fill my heart with joy, oh, no more sorrow.
Just a day where everything’s alright—
Can I have some luck, oh, can I feel the light?
And at night when the stars come alive,
I’ll count my blessings, feel the world thrive.
Rest my head, close my eyes, dream so sweet,
Hope tomorrow is another chance to repeat.
Oh, can I just find a little bit of grace?
Where every corner brings a smiling face,
Let the waves wash away my fears of tomorrow,
Fill my heart with joy, oh, no more sorrow.
Just a day where everything’s alright Can I have some luck, oh, can I feel the light? [OUTRO] so here I am I’m just trying my best at least I’m just me even though I carry stress
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