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Christmas with you

Female, Christmas, Pop,


Snowflakes falling, heartbeats calling,
The magic of the season, but I'm feeling small and lost,
Every twinkle from the tree reminds me of your smile,
I wish Christmas was with you, even just for a little while.

Mistletoe hangs, but it's not the same,
Without you here, it's just a silent game.
I bake the cookies, your favorite treats,
But I can’t share them, oh, how my heart aches.

I wish Christmas was with you,
Underneath the stars so bright,
Holding hands, we’d dance through the night,
I wish Christmas was with you,
Every carol, every cheer,
Wishing time would stand still when you are near.

Lights are twinkling, but I feel so dim,
Missing the laughter, the joy within.
The warmth of your voice, like a sweet melody,
Reminds me of the love that’s a part of me.

I wish Christmas was with you,
Underneath the stars so bright,
Holding hands, we’d dance through the night,
I wish Christmas was with you,
Every carol, every cheer,
Wishing time would stand still when you are near.

Through the snow, I’ll dream of you tonight,
Every wish I make is bathed in soft moonlight.
The tree's aglow, with hope shining through,
In every moment, I'm wishing for you.

I wish Christmas was with you,
Underneath the stars so bright,
Holding hands, we’d dance through the night,
I wish Christmas was with you,
Every carol, every cheer,
Wishing time would stand still when you are near.

So I’ll hold onto the memories dear,
Awaiting the day I’ll have you near.
Until then, I’ll whisper this prayer,
I wish Christmas was with you, everywhere.

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Christmas with you

Female, Christmas, Pop,
