Dr no
Dark gothic rock, fast tempo, harmonious vocals, haunting and excitingLyrics
Verse 1
Sitting in the tavern, as the people come and go,
Some are there for friendship, some are fast and some are slow.
See, I’ve got this simple method, seek out struggles, and you’ll find,
Many show up with their bodies but are absent in their mind.
Verse 2:
See, Their thoughts are drawn to worries, you can see it in their stare,
For those poor lost souls, I greet them with a penetrating glare.
I ask them of their troubles, and they often start to share,
All their worries laid before me, and I catch them unaware.
(Thunderous Chorus)
I’m a tramp and a vamp and I always set up camp,
When the suns on the horizon, and the night begins to ramp.
Raise your glass, do not pass! I am smooth and never crass,
But beware, the demon’s schemin’, that’s the lesson of this class!
Verse 3
Here’s a man whose wife just left, heart is shattered, soul bereft,
Another man with love departed, leaving him all broken-hearted.
Long before I find the vein, I prod and poke to find their pain,
And once it’s laid out clear and plain, that’s when I know I’ve won the game.
(Thunderous Chorus)
I’m a tramp and a vamp and i always set up camp,
When the suns on the horizon, and the night begins to ramp.
Raise your glass, do not pass! I am smooth and never crass,
But beware, the demon’s schemin’, that’s the lesson of this class!
Now Bobby Brittle sits alone, checked in for the night,
But he’ll never make it home, once I bring him to my sight.
I gaze into his weary eyes, seduce him with my lies,
And in the dark, he ends his trek, as my teeth sink in his neck.
(Thunderous Chorus)
I’m a tramp and a vamp and i always set up camp,
When the suns on the horizon, and the night begins to ramp.
Raise your glass, do not pass! I am smooth and never crass,
But beware, the demon’s schemin’, that’s the lesson of this class!
He thought he found a friend to be there through the end,
I eased his pain, I played my part, then feasted slowly on his heart.
As the night grows dark and still, I take my thrill, his blood Is spilled,
Good enough, I’ve had my fill—now for the end, it’s time to kill!
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