The Spirits
Historical Rock, Tribal American Background Chants, Action Vibe, Motivational MoodLyrics
My people,
We do live,
By the laws of our spirits and ancestors.
Respect all,
The creatures,
With whom we share this beautiful land of ours.
As we have been forced from our homes,
Now over them, the white man roams,
Our spirits will guide us through the day.
The wolves howl to the moon in the sky,
Right up to where golden eagles fly!
From the highest parts of the mountains,
To the great forest, plains and oceans!
As the settlers bring these lands to heel,
There is one thing that they cannot steal!
Our faith in the spirits!
Now we have,
Been forced to,
Live on what the the white men call reservations.
Day by day,
They claim to,
Try to ‘civilise the savage First Nations’.
As they ally with rival tribes,
They threaten to destroy our lives.
Our spirits will guide us through the pain.
The wolves howl to the moon in the sky,
Right up to where golden eagles fly!
From the highest parts of the mountains,
To the great forest, plains and oceans!
As the settlers bring these lands to heel,
There is one thing that they cannot steal!
Our faith in the spirits!
[Interlude Music]
Great spirits.
Watch over our people.
Protect us.
Help us to face evil.
The wolves howl to the moon in the sky,
Right up to where golden eagles fly!
From the highest parts of the mountains,
To the great forest, plains and oceans!
As the settlers bring these lands to heel,
There is one thing that they cannot steal!
Our faith in the spirits!
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