### binaural beats, psychill melody, e flat key, sassy, soulful female voice###
Drop that barbecue in my mouth, oh please, Feel me shout, "Thank yal!" with so much ease Mmm...when I come over, I crave that bite, In my mouth, juicy. oh. whata delight.
I need your meat, in and out, savoring slow, Just like you knew-wewould, flavors aglow. Git sum leftovers, a sweet hint, Served hot and hard off the grill, heaven-sent.
You said you'd feed it to me now, don't be shy, i need a grill master with a confident eye. That juicy, dripping meat, ooooh, what a treat i reach my tongue out, cant wait to eat.
Test if I love it, or if it's a trick, But as soon as Ilicked, it just about did stick! Gushing and flowing, I was so surprised Oh my!" I exclaimed, with wide-open eyes.
No one can eat your skills in culinary quite like me, You'like my mouth, I'm your fay-vo-rit one to feed. Nothing else is quite as fun tO do for: you, As stuffing me up, im the one you enjoy to do.
Good thing im not blushing, oh, what a scene, Taste the buildup to ecstasy, so pure and Windex clean,
Tracy i need to know if you've got what it takes, - To feed it to me good, better not be a flake.
Been some other mouths you`ve fed, but it's just not quite
The sane as when you feed me, oh, it's a beautiful sight. You like that Libra mouth, constellation-bright, Serve it stuff it feed it ro me with strong, confident might A grill master who knows he can grill just right.
Witg your apron tight and a spatula in hand, Let's dance by the fire, just like we planned. while dancing I trip and now bent over by the stove counter 1 glance back at you, laughing, ooooh perfect encounter! Mmmmmmm
That juicy juicy yeaaaah
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