Caught in a spiral
Synthesizer, country pop, catchy, upbeat, male voiceLyrics
Balloons float by, colors fade in the air,
Carrying dreams, but do they even care?
Memories linger, laughter lost in the night,
Hiding in shadows, searching for the light.
Days of joy seem like whispers in the wind,
Chasing echoes, but they scatter and rescind.
Blamed for existence, I wear the weight alone,
Feeling so small, I could vanish like a stone.
Holding on tight, but the pressure weighs down,
The brighter the smile, the closer to drown.
Each breath feels like chains wrapped around my chest,
Hoping for solace, longing for some rest.
But I won’t break, no, I’ll rise from the fall,
Balloons in the sky, didn’t notice it at all.
Through the hurt, through the pain, I’ll find my song,
One day I’ll show you where I truly belong.
Caught in a spiral, emotions twist and turn,
Fighting my battles, feeling the fire burn.
The news hit hard, Liam Payne is gone,
His voice lingers still, but I'm left to carry on.
Every tear that falls, every silent scream,
Transforms into strength, fuels my hidden dream.
In the chaos, I’ll find a way to be free,
No longer defined by what they think of me.
But I won’t break, no, I’ll rise from the fall,
Balloons in the sky, didn’t notice it at all.
Through the hurt, through the pain, I’ll find my song,
One day I’ll show you where I truly belong.
So I’ll keep on dancing, even when it’s tough,
Painting my future, it’s starting to feel enough.
With every heartbeat, I’m getting closer to me,
A flicker of hope, just you wait and see.
I’m crazy, I know it, but that’s what makes me me,
Riding this rollercoaster, and I’m finally free!
But I won’t break, no, I’ll rise from the fall,
Balloons in the sky, didn’t notice it at all.
Through the hurt, through the pain, I’ll find my song,
One day I’ll show you where I truly belong [OUTRO] So I’ll move on even though it’s tough I’m more than I look like and that’s enough
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