[Intro driving electric guitar riff with a strong beat]
Welcome to this Fantasy League, where the stakes are high,
Austin’s our commish, the GOAT, no lie,
He won that first title back in ‘17,
But he’s been MIA, just living the dream.
Trent’s been stuck in the middle, can’t reach the crown,
Always mid, and always lets us down,
Edie’s got rings, but man, he hit the floor,
Last place got him down, doing stand-up for sure.
[Chorus with powerful, anthemic energy]
In O’Shai Fantasy, we’re out to take the crown,
Chasing that title, we won’t back down,
When the pressure’s on, we stand and fight,
If you’re not ready, then step out of the light.
[Verse 2 with a catchy melody]
Mitch with that lemonade stand in DC,
But can’t quite mix the right fantasy recipe,
Shawn’s Packers are his pride, but just like his team,
They get close to the gold, then fade like a dream.
Reece’s team is a storm, bringing the heat,
He’s a weather-loving man, his wins are neat,
Jordan’s riding high on that Eagle’s flight,
Got a championship glow, and he’s feeling all right.
[Chorus with extra punch, bass thumping]
In O’Shai Fantasy, we’re out to take the crown,
Chasing that title, we won’t back down,
When the pressure’s on, we stand and fight,
If you’re not ready, then step out of the light.
[Bridge with a strong, twangy lead guitar]
Griff’s been missing since 2018,
But we remember the year he lived the dream,
Pat’s the rookie, coming in hot,
He’s aiming to prove he’s more than just talk.
TJ’s got stocks, hoping they’ll rise,
But it’s his fantasy team that needs the prize,
Austin’s the GOAT, our commish for life,
Keeping us battling, through all the strife.
[Chorus final with full band, crowd chant feel]
In O’Shai Fantasy, we’re out to take the crown,
Chasing that title, we won’t back down,
When the pressure’s on, we stand and fight,
If you’re not ready, then step out of the light.
[Outro with a powerful guitar solo, fading to silence]
So here’s to O’Shai, where legends are born,
We fight for the top, and we laugh at the torn,
Austin’s our commish, and we’re all in the game,
But in the end, it’s the glory we claim.
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