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Lofi, angry, rap, switch up beat, chill to angry


Dear lord, im here again.
Lost and caught up in my latest and greatest shenanigan.

So why does it have to be?
So lost i forgot to give you thanks for the one you gave to me.

So with the weight of my sin,
I’ll sit here and think. I have not a clue as to where to begin.

So ill start it with,
This is the one ill spend my forever with,
My happy ever after with,
The one ill call my ms,
And when she’s away ill miss,
Because in her arms I find my bliss. (This is wrong)

Then ill go on to thank you for your works,
Tell you of there horror in me that lurks,
And know when we’re apart is when the devil smirks. (Stop)

See even though im alone with you,
My mind is always with her, this you know is true.
I now know the answer in sue,
About why the sky’s so blue. (Lies)

You see,
What it truly means to be free,
Is undoubtedly the means to express ones self,
To honestly be you and not lie to yourself.
But there’s more to the saying on the shelf.

What if it meant to love a woman who could set the world on fire?
Any normal man would sure call me a liar.
But i tell you my friend, she’s the one i admire.
My truest worldly desire.

So id wrap up this mournful prayer,
By telling you of the love in the air.
Id thank you for the way my hearts in a true snare.
But never to despair, this woman is more than fair.
And to wrong this woman id never dare.

Lord this is love.
Truly sent from above…


I see you

Wait wait wait
Shit this needs a reanimate
Please start the beat from the starter state
I need to express only hate

Let’s tell ‘em all why we’re through.
Your ticket to hell is more than due.
Id love to chock you until your blue
Because your love was all i knew

And I hate how when I slumber I see your face.
Only to awake to unjust grace.
I wish I could go back to before I fell.
The sweetest memory is the worst part of hell.

I stay awake in the night to escape your name.
Can’t have you so I’ll chase the fame.
Chasing stars that don’t remember me,
Fallen in love with a dream that will
Never be

Nocturnal terror behind my eyes
So I thank you for showing me the lies.
And now all I see are dreams of you
And shattering a life I thought was true.

But shit, im still in love with you.
So I’ll deserve everything i put myself through.

The way I see it,

I lived my life before I met

And I’lI live it after you

Only difference is now I'm stuck with memories that were never real.

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Lofi, angry, rap, switch up beat, chill to angry
