Mockingbirds (Reworked)
Dark sad melancholic melodic gothic rock, deep male voice, clear lyrics, pianoLyrics
There is no such precedence…
For peace and state of mind
When the war of self-confidence
Dreams_ that are_ left behind
running from_ the_ dec_adence
Of darkness_morbidity
When mockingbirds
come_ to die
In nihilistic_ insanity…
So here my words and fearlessness…
All things have its time
Memories of your child_hood…
An the trauma you inshrine
So tally up the loneliness…
Has it really, come to this
When sharing wisdom from me_ to you
That Mockingbirds will die... too…
Coming_ to_ a infinite door
As each night i fall and cry…
And blood may spill, onto the floor…
The Glucose_ genocides…
Stained by war, my epitaph
a hard love for the old infection
Anger comes_ from my known wrath
save for_ self-liquidation
Sugar coated ashes, of a dead holiday!
Gingerbread people, and angels dance
On the graves of love's radiance
Cut ropes, from which_ they hung
Come to me, spirit of the dead
Of child and of wife
The Curse of rosen_ biology
It's Hard _to find_ the light
So here my words and fearlessness …!
All has its own time
Memories of your child_hood
may they haven't gone_ so fast…!
And tally up the loneliness…
The dreary in your eye
When sharing wisdom from me_ to you
That Mockingbirds will die... too
And in the night of_ my body’s tide!
This a secret, is not new…
Duality pain, i shan't deny
I truly do want to die…!
call_ me_ names of _ negativity
Even if you're doped to infinity
Beat me with a_ tangible lie…
Now Listen here when i share with you…
That the mockingbirds will soon die too...
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Mockingbirds (Reworked)
Dark sad melancholic melodic gothic rock, deep male voice, clear lyrics, piano