👻 writing
Blues, trap,bass, trap,, drums, keyboardLyrics
(Verse 1)
Nasty trashy Ashley.
Having threesome's with chasty.
While she finger fukkin Mandy.
D. Y. K. E. Outstanding!
Watch both hoes shake they asses
Got me beggin for some action.
Stripping, then drops it low, I love it when you bend it backwards.
Got me questioning suggesting shit, like we could be a famly.
I know freakin is your mastery, you should a been a actress.
All that faking, saying that it's love, deserves a fukkin Grammy.
Shot so much dope, you picking scabs and fukked someone with Krabby's.
I ain't the one to judge, I know somewhere inside Yas happy.
Till you filled yo self with cum, and drugs then fukked up all yo chances.
You could have it, it ain't over, gotta thank you getting older.
Don't you thank it's time to grow up, be a grown up, prove it show us?
Junkies only there and show up,
Cause they only there to fold ya.
Cause them ppl that you trusted told em, you was just a known slut.
But you don't give a fuck like so what?
I never would believe it.
Gawd damn! You kinda stank, you needa shower wit some bleach bitch.
Scissors with a butchy dyke so long, her coochie starts bleeding.
Find the exit, she got hep c, better hope you didn't eat it.
Turning yellow little fellow, that's a sign to pray to Jesus.
Gagging, puking up some green stuff dick be shriveled like a peanut.
A narcissist, a heart content to ruin your accomplishments.
Confident, her talking shit, is something I won't bargain with.
Suck the life right out ya quick, she's scoping, got you targeted.
Insane straight retarded trick, enjoys death like Dhamer did.
I ain't perfect,no one's perfect, over thirty, still so dirty.
Do a little soul searching, laying on ya back ain't working.
I think you traveled took the curve, left you lost, alone, deserted.
Cause you out here slutty , fuckin, anyone that be a person.
Well , On the flip you still a nasty bitch, not worthless.
White trash proud.
grease dripping off her scalp.
I kum in her, suck it out, then spit that shit in her mouth..
(Verse 2)
I won't give a chance to faggy losers, eatin with a silver spoon.
Fuck ya politics, ya views, and the gay shit on the news.
Got better shit to do, got shit to lose, so I can't listen.
Tripping like I'm wiggin, high on a three day bender.
I'll either pass out,or die, won't ever purposesly surrender.
I'm not the same bub you remember, got some wisdom, then ascended..
Unhinged as I assemble, dope and perkys go head , mix em.
Speed ballin think my heart's fifty less beats a minute.
Damn I'm dying, is it over, blacked out, passed out in the kitchen.
On the floor, stiff as a board, with a gun up to my temple!
Quarter pound a winter snow, I got the row thanking it's Christmas.
Uncle called and said repent, and all ya sins will be forgiven.
Reading his favorite scriptures,esphisians and Colossian.
I said my favorite scriptures were Percocet, and Klonopin.
A pharmacy's local pharmacist,
Today is what a prophet is!
Atleast I'm honest man.
Ghostwritin for A.I.
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