A dark, unsetlling, crpytic beat with the sample from Doctor sleep the movieLyrics
*performed by a monster*
Verse 1
Under the glow of the full moonlight,
Costumes on, we out tonight.
Ghosts and goblins, witches too,
One Trump, a Blade, and a Wolverine too.
We’re creepin’ down streets where shadows fall, Echoes of laughter, the thrill of it all.
Pumpkins grinnin’ with candlelight,
It’s Halloween, we stuffin bags tonight!
Gimmie gimmie those treats, you know we love those sweets!
Buckets full of candy, they full as hell, we’re moving weight, gonna need a scale.
Gimmie gimmie those treats, you know we love those sweets!
Verse 2
Skeletons rattle as we walk by,
Spooky sounds fill up the sky.
Eyes on the prize, a king-sized bar,
For that treasure, we’ll look in house and car.
We’ve seen it all, to your surprise, the smarties, the pennies, the lights out lies.
We got taffy, and gift cards, oh yeah chocolate too. Jolly ranchers are chill, musketeers on the sly, but please stop trippin, where are the king-sized?
Gimmie gimmie those treats, you know we love those sweets!
Buckets full of candy, they full as hell, we’re moving weight, gonna need a scale.
Gimmie gimmie those treats, you know we love those sweets!
Man, you know what I want?
What you want?
I need that BIG sized peanut butter cup, that top shelf Reece’s.
Oh, that all?
You know what we do, we knock on them all!
Verse 3
Now guess what kids, while our legs were heavy, the lights were low, on the whole next block wouldn’t you know, they had all the big joints, yup, everydoor. The sugar was heavy, and falling like snow. Big Kitt-Kats, and Snickers, and Skittles fa-sho. You heard that right, they were all king-sized.
Gimmie gimmie those treats, you know we love those sweets!
Buckets full of candy, they full as hell, we’re moving weight, gonna need a scale.
Gimmie gimmie those treats, you know we love those sweets!!
So as the night fades and evil lurks, we like to say thanks for the candy and Happy Halloween, jerks!
Chorus (Repeat & Fade)
Gimmie gimmie those treats, you know we love those sweets!
Gimmie gimmie those treats, you know we love those sweets!
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