Dragon on the beach
Soul, saxophone, harmonica, clarinetLyrics
Under the sun, where the sand meets the sea,
Lies a dragon named Jessie, oh so carefree,
With her hands behind her head, she drifts into dreams,
But a little lion cub is bursting at the seams.
Jessie’s got scales that shimmer and shine,
In a bikini, she’s a dragon divine,
But with a leap and a thump, on her belly he lands,
A lion cub called Andy, with his playful demands.
Hey, Jessie the dragon, come join in my fun,
A trampoline bounce ’neath the warm golden sun,
With a laugh and a roar, let the good times flow,
Jessie and Andy, in a world made of glow.
"I'm six years old," said the cub with a grin,
"I’m 29,” she chuckled, letting the joy in,
“Can I go inside you? Invite for a ride?”
With a flurry of giggles, she opened her wide.
Hey, Jessie the dragon, come join in my fun,
A trampoline bounce ’neath the warm golden sun,
With a laugh and a roar, let the good times flow,
Jessie and Andy, in a world made of glow.
In a world where wonders intertwine,
Hotdogs and laughter, oh how they shine,
Jessie’s so brave, and Andy can see,
The magic that lives in their playful spree.
Inside her stomach, it’s a feast in delight,
“Look at this hotdog, isn’t it a sight?”
“I’ll never come out, I’m having too much fun!”
Both of them giggling, beneath the warm sun.
Hey, Jessie the dragon, come join in my fun,
A trampoline bounce ’neath the warm golden sun,
With a laugh and a roar, let the good times flow,
Jessie and Andy, in a world made of glow.
So they napped on the beach, the sand soft as gold,
A dragon and a lion, their friendship so bold,
With dreams in the air and the waves’ gentle song,
Jessie and Andy, where together they belong.
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