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Male Horrorcore Pop Post Grunge Hardcore Hiphop Rap Trap, Vinyl DJ Turntable Scratch, Punk Pop Rock, Ominous Blues Trap


!!!Parachutes Of Many Troops!!!


Heated brass floods a landscape this side of the hemisphere
Imagine the worst haunting while trying to keep your mind clear
Ground surrounded by black smoke
Suffocating lungs to choke
Enough to tarnish air ways
Continuous striking of lightning & thunder rattles across several valleys
Chaos echoes from all around
Shelters to barricades reek of death on the ground
Blistering fields engulfed in flames that sizzles
Overhead as ashes collect & drizzles


Many men & women
Strap up for the ride of their life
Fighting for our rights
Head held high as they drop from the sky
Camouflage bursting through clouds in a barrage
Wrapped in armor are the
Eyes of many warrior’s
Living archangels American born soldiers
Fear locked away deep from within
Brave is the only attitude driven by those dropping from high altitude
Death from above at dusk
In come many troops…
Troops.. guns strapped to their chests..
Parachutes of many troops
Yeah…. It’s the…
Parachutes of many troops


Clearing waves of bodies in a shoal
Touch downed with a shoulder roll
Up on boots running while fully engaged to add to the toll
Brutality swamps the land
Blood, sweat, tears, screams, shrieks expand
Living in world of endless terror
Darkness to memories of real life horror
Some stories aren’t meant for softer hearts
Just know I’ll always have your six when normal life departs
If we see another world battle, count on me when the war starts


Many men & women
Strap up for the ride of their life
Fighting for our rights
Head held high as they drop from the sky
Camouflage bursting through clouds in a barrage
Wrapped in armor are the
Eyes of many warrior’s
Living archangels American born soldiers
Fear locked away deep from within
Brave is the only attitude driven by those dropping from high altitude
Death from above at dusk
In come many troops…
Troops.. Whoa….
Guns strapped to their chests..
Parachutes of many troops
Yeah…. It’s the…
Parachutes of many troops


…Wa.. Wa.. Wakshi Batoo


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Durchstöbere jetzt unsere KI-Songs-Bibliothek und erlebe die Zukunft der Musikerstellung!

Male Horrorcore Pop Post Grunge Hardcore Hiphop Rap Trap, Vinyl DJ Turntable Scratch, Punk Pop Rock, Ominous Blues Trap
