One Last Goodbye
Emo, bass, drums, male vocals, heavy rockLyrics
In the twilight, shadows creep,
Whispers telling secrets I cannot keep.
A heart that aches, a mind that cries,
It's time to say my last goodbye.
Room full of silence screams,
Faded pictures, and broken dreams.
With every drop of crimson hue,
I know its something i can't undo.
Razor blades and midnight thoughts,
They’re the battles I’ve long fought.
Falling to the floor, I can’t pretend,
Broken pieces that’ll never mend.
One last goodbye, I’m slipping away,
Into the night, where shadows play.
With blood-stained hands, I’ll write my pain,
In the final breath, I’ll break these chains.
One last goodbye, I’m fading fast,
In the cuts and scars, I'm free at last.
Let the memories drown, let the echoes fade,
In this heart of stone, I’ll find my escape.
Tracing lines like a silent prayer,
Each cut a whisper, a silent flare.
The mirror reflects a ghost I know,
A shattered soul in the undertow.
All these secrets, they haunt my mind,
In the darkened corners, I’m hard to find.
Falling deeper, lost in the night,
I’m letting go, it feels so right.
One last goodbye, I’m slipping away,
Into the night, where shadows play.
With blood-stained hands, I’ll write my pain,
In the final breath, I’ll break these chains.
One last goodbye, I’m fading fast,
In the cuts and scars, I'm free at last.
Let the memories drown, let the echoes fade,
In this heart of stone, I’ll find my escape.
And here I stand, just a fleeting ghost,
A heart that’s bruised, a soul that’s broke.
I fought the tide, but waves crash stronger,
It's just too much, i can't do this any longer
One last goodbye, I’m slipping away,
Into the night, where shadows play.
With blood-stained hands, I’ll write my pain,
In the final breath, I’ll break these chains.
One last goodbye, I'm...
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