Fantasy baby
Verse 1:
Justin, you lost to Phil's bitch? That’s a crime,
I swear, watching you fail was a waste of my time.
Vinny crushed Holler, like we all knew he would,
It’s not impressive when Holler's teams no good.
I guess Matt is still the champ , made Rob his bitch,
And Chad beat Powell, but the NFL is rigged.
Took away the blocked kick, what is this bullshit?
But here I am, Nick, stuck in a mess,
Wishing I could love you... I thought you were the best.
I could be yours, we could have it all,
But your team is a joke, and I don't do second place.
Nick, you had my heart on the line,
But losing to Zach, (who sucks) seriously, why?
I could’ve loved you, I swear I could try,
But how can I love you when your team sucks ass?
Verse 2:
The standings are brutal, your record’s a shame,
And you wonder why you’re alone in this game.
I thought maybe, just maybe, you’d finally show,
But then you picked losers, now what do you know?
And I’m here, on the sidelines, all alone,
Wishing I had a man, who could beat the worst team (it's actually probably Hollers)
Nick, you had my heart on the line,
But Zach, (we all know he sucks), left you behind,
I could’ve loved you if you’d just freaking try,
But fantasy’s real life, and you’re wasting my time.
I dreamed of us, Nick, walking hand in hand,
But now I’m stuck in "Loser Land,"
I need a man who knows how to win,
Not one who loses with a stupid grin.
Nick, you had my heart on the line,
But losing to Zach? (Seriously?) Come on, it’s a sign,
I could’ve loved you, if you’d just even try,
But fantasy takes prisoners, and your game’s a crime. (Didn't you score 160 last week?)
I wanted you, but you let me down,
Now I’m stuck here, wearing the frown,
Love’s a game I wanted to play,
But you fumbled my heart, threw it all away.
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