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Under The Squad's Spotlight

Christian Rock, Duet, Epic, Cinematic


*(Verse 1: The Blogger)*
I’m just a guy with a keyboard and a dream,
Writing my thoughts, or so it would seem,
But here come the squad, they’re circling tight,
With their gazes locked, like vultures in flight.

*(Chorus: The Squad)*
Oh, tell us your reasons, don't hide in the dark,
We’ll poke and we’ll prod, we’ll find that spark,
With arms wrapped around, we’ll hold you so near,
Confess all your secrets, we’re ready to hear!

*(Verse 2: The Blogger)*
I support the Orange Man, can’t you see?
But the weight of your questions is crushing me!
I’ll share my opinions, just let me be free,
But the fire in your eyes is too much to agree.

*(Chorus: The Squad)*
Oh, tell us your reasons, don’t hold back the truth,
It’s not just your words, we can see through your youth,
With a poke to your chest and a grin on our face,
We’ll squeeze out your thoughts, there’s no hiding place!

*(Bridge: The Blogger)*
You hold me by the chin, like a child who’s gone wrong,
But I promise my heart isn’t where it belongs,
What’s wrong with a choice, it’s just politics,
But you want my insides, for your next little fix.

*(Verse 3: The Squad)*
Come on, little blogger, spill all that you know,
What makes the MAGA mind tick, what makes it glow?
We’ve got you surrounded, there’s no escape,
You’ll share all their weaknesses, it’s all part of the tape!

*(Chorus: The Blogger)*
Please, I’m begging now, I won’t say a thing,
Can’t you see I’m a writer, not a puppet on strings?
But the squad only chuckles, they’re not done with me yet,
This game of persuasion is one I won’t forget.

*(Outro: The Squad & The Blogger)*
(Squad) Oh, tell us your reasons, don’t hide in the dark,
(Blogger) I just wanted to write, to make my own mark,
(Squad) We’ll squeeze out the truth, we’re not letting go,
(Blogger) Someone come save me, I’m losing this show!

*(Fade out with a playful banter between the Blogger and Squad)*
(Blogger) I’m not a criminal, just found my own lane,
(Squad) But the truth’s in the open, let’s dance in the rain!
(Blogger) You’ve got me all tangled, can’t find my own voice,
(Squad) Just share your thoughts freely, it’s your only choice!


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Under The Squad's Spotlight

Christian Rock, Duet, Epic, Cinematic
