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Ancient Rome

Keyboard, synthesizer, country catchy upbeat song motivational beat, soundtrack


Falling, falling, into the unknown,
Where time bends, in a world of its own,
A spiral journey to a distant place,
Where ancient echoes still leave their trace.

I'm tumbling down, through the shimmering light,
Into a realm where the stars shine bright,
Dinosaurs roam in the lush, green fields,
A majestic past that the earth never yields.
Crystals adorn every jagged stone,
Nature's artwork, a beauty overblown.

Oh, I’m falling down this cosmic flow,
Through history’s pages, I’m ready to go!
With waterfalls cascading, their whispers ring,
In this vibrant land, where memories sing.

The echoes of giants, both fierce and free,
Are painted on skies that cradle the sea,
In the heart of this world, where the wild things play,
Every moment feels like an eternal day.
Through valleys of colors, bright and alive,
Every breath draws me deeper, where legends survive.

Oh, I’m falling down this cosmic flow,
Through history’s pages, I’m ready to go!
With waterfalls cascading, their whispers ring,
In this vibrant land, where memories sing.

Time drifts like feathers, on a gentle breeze,
As history wraps me in a warm, sweet tease,
Dancing with shadows of creatures long gone,
In the tapestry woven, where I truly belong.

The sun dips low, painting skies in gold,
Secrets unravel, ancient stories unfold,
From fossils to flowers, the past intertwines,
I’m lost in the magic of these ancient signs.
Through every heartbeat, this universe waits,
Whispers of ages, my heart celebrates.

Oh, I’m falling down this cosmic flow,
Through history’s pages, I’m ready to go!
With waterfalls cascading, their whispers ring,
In this vibrant land, where memories sing.

So let me fall deeper, where wonders collide,
In a universe timeless, with nature as guide.
For in this embrace, I’m free to explore,
Falling down a hole, but I couldn't want more.

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Ancient Rome

Keyboard, synthesizer, country catchy upbeat song motivational beat, soundtrack
