Ooh, yeah
You could come, and take it
2nd Ammendment, baby!
The right of the people, to keep and bear arms
Shall not be infringed
Yeah, sell ya' cloak, buy a lil' strap
'Cause, sometimes evil gotta take a little nap
This my Glock, he Gucci, I'ma put him on the map
This my call of duty, and he moody when he clap
Look, he protect me, when the sun down
When I pull him out, criminals get to run, now
Come into my house, you gettin' gunned down
Grade A, get the fate, come and get that uptown
But, Tyson, I thought you a Christian
Listen, I'ma man of God, I'm on a mission
But, don't cross me, plus, I got a new edition
And, he the one I'm runnin' to, when someone's in my kitchen
He the cream of the crop, got the beam on the Glock
You don't stand a chance, you'll be leavin' on a cot
I'm just bein' honest, all it takes is one shot
Go away, I know a lot of men of God, that don't play
I got a 2nd Amendment, and he a Gucci Glock
He get to yappin', you don't wanna hear the toolie talk
He for the snowflakes, forget the fruity pops
He a beauty huh?
That my Gucci Glock
I got a 2nd Amendment, and he a Gucci Glock
He get to yappin', you don't wanna hear the toolie pop
He to the point, he 'on't listen to the goofy talk
Watchin' evil drop
That my Gucci Glock!
The sword is a weapon of war
The survival, read the Bible, it's infested with gore
You like freedom? Well, many men bled on a shore
And, I'll defend it, learn a lesson, if you step in my door
This a blessing, get it now, 'cause they jackin' up supply chains
E'rybody's scared to die, they lyin' with the mind games
I'ma take the small road, ya'll can take the wide lane
I'ma follow God, to live as Christ, and die as my gain
2-A, they tryin' to abolish it
They usin' media, and all the politics
I've got a red pill, you need to swallow it
Get ready for a civil war, and stock up on the hollow tips
I keep him close, he on call, and he knows
What's a gun free zone? Where I go, he goes, heh
He come in handy, with thugs and Deebos
He my buddy, I will never sell him for a c-note, uh-uh
I got a 2nd Amendment, and he a Gucci Glock
He get to yappin', you don't wanna hear the toolie talk
He for the snowflakes, forget the fruity pops
He a beauty, huh? That my Gucci Glock
I got a 2nd Amendment, and he a Gucci Glock
He get to yappin', you don't wanna hear the toolie pop
He to the point, he 'on't Listen to the goofy talk
Watchin' evil drop, that my Gucci Glock!
That my Gucci Glock
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