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Raff and Skully

alternative, trap metal, , bass, electro, duet, percussion


(Verse 1 - Skully)
I’m Skully, yeah, I’m bad as fuck,
Flannel on my back, don’t give a damn, what luck.
Me and Raff, we own the night,
Causing chaos, starting every fight.

I’m flipping bottles, cash raining down,
Demons dance while I fuck up the town.
Pills on the table, shots in my veins,
Hell yeah, we’re raising some fucking flames.

(Verse 1 - Raff)
I’m Raff the wolf, beast unleashed,
Tearing through the city like a savage beast.
Skully’s got my back, fuck being tame,
We’re blowing up the spot, screaming our name.

I snarl and bite, fuck the rules,
We’re kings of the night, making fools.
Demons cheer as we start the riot,
We bring the chaos, we fuckin’ light it.

(Chorus - Both)
We’re Raff and Skully, fucking up the town,
Chaos in the air, we ain’t slowing down.
Demons on the floor, money in the sky,
We’re causing mayhem, yeah, we’re getting high.

(Verse 2 - Skully)
I light it up, don’t care what they think,
Bottles smashing, and I need another drink.
Raff’s howlin’, I’m breakin’ shit,
This whole place about to get lit.

Bones rattling, cash in my grip,
Demons screamin’, yeah, this is it.
Me and Raff, we’re raising hell,
Fuck it all, can’t you fucking tell?

(Verse 2 - Raff)
I’m a fucking wolf, wild and free,
Skully’s got my back, we run these streets.
We’re breaking rules, setting fire to the game,
Shit’s going down, feel the fucking flame.

I laugh as it all burns to the ground,
Demons lose their minds, to the chaos sound.
Skully’s throwing punches, I’m feeling insane,
We own this night, driving ‘em all fucking insane.

(Chorus - Both)
We’re Raff and Skully, fucking up the town,
Chaos in the air, we ain’t slowing down.
Demons on the floor, money in the sky,
We’re causing mayhem, yeah, we’re getting high.

(Bridge - Both)
Fuck it all, we live for this,
In the middle of this chaotic bliss.
Raff and Skully, kings of the night,
Fucking shit up, we’re always right.

(Chorus - Both)
We’re Raff and Skully, fucking up the town,
Chaos in the air, we ain’t slowing down.
Demons on the floor, money in the sky,
We’re causing mayhem, yeah, we’re getting high.

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Raff and Skully

alternative, trap metal, , bass, electro, duet, percussion
