A hotel and a vamp battle
Haunting, fast-paced Gothic opera; intense baritone vocals. Rich orchestration with violins, organ, percussion.Lyrics
Caleb how could you let your prey go free?
Unwise to show our true identities
By far, the most insulting of displays
Defied, my words and let them get away
The truth in full, still hasn’t been revealed
It must be said, for anyone to heal
You see your boy, who came in here last week?
It was MY son, who laid your one to sleep
The debt is blood, and blood repays,
No cash no check we take no other ways
The bill is life,for each night slept!
The ledger’s balance must be kept!!
(Verse 3)
They begged for him, to stop and let them live,
This act is more than what I can forgive
Stand down my son, or do your very best
But if you do, you will be laid to rest!
(Verse 4)
You’ve torn the veil that kept us all unseen,
Now their eyes have witnessed our machine
For each life there’s a cost that must come due
It seems you choose to send that bill to you
The debt is blood, and blood repays,
No cash no check we take no other ways
The bill is life,for each night slept!
The ledger’s balance must be kept!!
You shield them blind to how we’re bound
To live we take the life we’ve found.
Our hearts hold songs devoid of sound;
So, You choose to join them in the ground
So here we end, as all debts must,
With trust betrayed and love to dust.
The balance kept, the the cost explained
As darkness falls, the debt’s repaid!
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A hotel and a vamp battle
Haunting, fast-paced Gothic opera; intense baritone vocals. Rich orchestration with violins, organ, percussion.