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Evil intrusive thoughts, deep rap beat,


Haha. What have we learned?
A daughter you don't know if she's yours.
Fell in love with a lying whore who tried to kill you.
Haha. She basically did mentally.
Oh family tension and a relapse.
You fuckin weak piece of shit.
Ohh. Go head. Blame me. Hahaha.
I'm here to help, you fuckin retard.
You wanna live again?
Just a little bit more!
I got a lotta shit to say.
From holding all this shit inside,
It drives me mentally insane.
Literally conversate with thoughts I keep inside the brain.
Till I don't even sleep at night,
Literally I lay awake.
Safe to say, I may have changed.
To someone that I really ain't.
Feel misguided,
Trapped or caged,
Like I need to plot a quick escape.
Missed today.
Losing all my time,
Like when memories fade away.
In a instant shit can change.
Disappear no one explains.
Or has advice, when that day reigns.
You see the rain?
Don't it feel great?
Can't see the tears roll off my face.
Block it out, I'm hittin lines.
Heart be racing here of late.
Only thing that's on my mind,
I miss my daughter everyday.
Ex Makes me hope for deathly takes.
Like I get a call she's dead today.
From someone poisoning her wedding cake,
Or a pile up on the interstate.
Remember that feeling you got from stabbing those guys?
Was it similar to how you felt when you shot dude with the nine?
Is that why you hid inside?
Over a month and some time.
What a unexpected turn you took upon the path of life.
Idk, I know that I don't feel right.
Paranoid, prepared for war at anytime,
Really bruh.
If they take what's mine,
They gone have to kill me for it.
Waking up from dreams,
We're I'm falling, from like 50 stories.
And many more G.
(Monologue Intrusive thoughts)
So you play the mentally ill card now?
You think that's what I am?
Fuckin skitzo.
I traveled back into the the past,
And met my ghost.
Took him back to where I'm at,
Like welcome home.
Phone home, minds lost, phones gone.
Missed calls from all my people and my bros.
No hope!
World gone,
Shit be feeling different.
I sit back and pay attention, now when I listen,
I can sense it.
Quarter bo a fuckin crystal.
Put me on, I made a killing.
Put a half ounce up my nose,
Released a monster up off in me.
Not much longer,
It's gone kill me.
The reaper party's with me.
He's just watching , waiting patiently like specifics to the minute.
Pointing to the clock.
He said remember that it's tikkin"
Middle fanga up I tellem fuck you! come on get me!
Put that pistol to my temple,
Whispers echo.
"As you wish then."
And my fuckin body stiffened.
Man I woke up in the kitchen.
I stood up.
My clip was empty.
How tf my shit go missing?
When I opened up the door,
My family there like intervention.
Something's different.
(Bridge) (Heavy Breathing)
Were my heartbeat?
Really hard to breathe.
Like I'm suffocatin.
Why's it dark?
And getting hard to see?
What the Fuck help me!
It's not your time to leave.

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Evil intrusive thoughts, deep rap beat,
