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Demons of my Shadows

electric guitar, Clear Female Vocals, Epic rock intense pop, Clear voice, extremely detailed vocals


In the shadows of my heart, a battle rages on,
A warrior in silken armor, left to fight alone.
With scars that mark my journey, I wear my pain like pride,
Bound by the weight of sorrow, but I refuse to hide.

In the mirror, a reflection, of dreams that came undone,
A tempest of emotions, the fighting's just begun.
With ashes from my failures, I rise yet once again,
A princess with a shattered heart, but fire lies within.

I’m breaking through the darkness, I won’t let it win,
With every scar I carry, I grow stronger from within.
These demons in my shadows, they try to chain my soul,
But I’m a warrior, rising, reclaiming my control.

With every tear I shed, I water tender seeds,
The flowers of my spirit, growing through the weeds.
Though love may leave its bruises, I still wear my crown,
A heart of ash and embers, but I won’t back down.

I’m breaking through the darkness, I won’t let it win,
With every scar I carry, I grow stronger from within.
These demons in my shadows, they try to chain my soul,
But I’m a warrior, rising, reclaiming my control.

The flames dance in my chest, igniting every fear,
With every breath I take, I’ll silence all the tears.
I’ll wield my heart like armor, I’ll battle through the night,
For in the depths of sorrow, I’ll find my own light.

I’m breaking through the darkness, I won’t let it win,
With every scar I carry, I grow stronger from within.
These demons in my shadows, they try to chain my soul,
But I’m a warrior, rising, reclaiming my control.

So here I stand, unyielding, as the dawn begins to break,
With hope afire inside me, for my own heart’s sake.
A warrior, a princess, ready to unfold,
With every breath I whisper, I’ll turn my heart to gold.

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Demons of my Shadows

electric guitar, Clear Female Vocals, Epic rock intense pop, Clear voice, extremely detailed vocals
