(Intro – Skully & Raff Laughing Manically)
Yo, Skully’s in the house, we’re ready to fucking burn it down!
Raff’s got the pills, we’re gonna fucking own this town!
(Beat drops heavy with crushing bass and guitar riffs)
(Chorus – Both)
Rave ‘til we die, we’re living the thrill,
Poppin’ pills, takin’ shots, can’t get our fill!
High as the sky, we’re outta control,
Emo girls watchin’, but we don’t give a fuck, we’re losin’ our souls!
(Verse 1 – Skully)
Skully’s here, I’m fucked up, feeling sick as hell,
But I don’t give a fuck, I’m down for this spell!
Pills in my pocket, shots in the air,
We’re burning this rave, no one can compare!
I see emo girls tryin’ to catch my eye,
But I’m too fucked up, I don’t even try!
We’re tearing the floor, we’re breaking the night,
Chaos and flames, man, this shit feels right!
(Chorus – Both)
Rave ‘til we die, we’re living the thrill,
Poppin’ pills, takin’ shots, can’t get our fill!
High as the sky, we’re outta control,
Emo girls watchin’, but we don’t give a fuck, we’re losin’ our souls!
(Verse 2 – Raff)
Raff’s in the zone, eyes bloodshot red,
I’m high as fuck, too wild to stay in my head!
Emo chicks whisperin’, tryin’ to get close,
But I’m on my own trip, and I’m high as a ghost!
Got a blunt in my mouth, pills in my veins,
I’m breaking the night, man, I’m off the chains!
They can stare, they can try, but I’m too lit to care,
We’re tearing this rave apart, shit’s beyond repair!
(Bridge – Both Laughing Maniacally)
Yo, they want love, but we’re too fuckin’ high,
Too twisted for feelings, baby, kiss ’em goodbye!
Shots in our brain, pills in the sky,
We’re immortals, baby, we’ll never die!
(Chorus – Both)
Rave ‘til we die, we’re living the thrill,
Poppin’ pills, takin’ shots, can’t get our fill!
High as the sky, we’re outta control,
Emo girls watchin’, but we don’t give a fuck, we’re losin’ our souls!
(Verse 3 – Skully)
Fuck feelings, fuck love, we’re here for the rush,
We’re burning this floor, turning rave shit to dust!
They want a taste, but I’m zoned the fuck out,
Too lost in this trip, I’m all about the route!
They can scream, they can beg, I don’t see their faces,
I’m high as the stars, livin’ in fucked-up places!
We’re too far gone, lost in this haze,
Pill-popping gods in this drug-fueled maze!
(Verse 4 – Raff)
I see the flames, I hear the bass,
Fuck romance, I’m here to set the pace!
Emo girls cryin’, they want attention,
But we’re too fucked up, they don’t get a mention!
Pills in my hand, fire in my blood,
We’re drownin’ in chaos, we’re caught in the flood!
Burnin’ this night, tear it all down,
We’re the kings of this rave, we own this town!
(Final Chorus – Both)
Rave ‘til we die, we’re living the thrill,
Poppin’ pills, takin’ shots, can’t get our fill!
High as the sky, we’re outta control,
Emo girls watchin’, but we don’t give a fuck, we’re losin’ our souls!
(Outro – Skully & Raff Laughing )
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