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Matt’s Beard

indie rock. Simple. Husky voiced female singer. A lot of harmony Dark and minor key


Oh, Matt with his beard, so full and wild,
It hides a secret, strange and reviled.
Becky just sighs, can’t help but frown,
Every crumb he leaves, it’s weighing her down.

"Matt, your beard's a mess, can’t you see?"
She cringes and grimaces as he looks at her fiercely.
"Don’t touch my face," he growls with disdain,
But she’s tired of fights, tired of the pain.

I thought that I knew you,
But how could I know,
Of the monster inside you,
In that beard of woe?
I never saw shadows, concealed in your smile,
Now I’m lost in your darkness,
It’s a long, desperate trial.

One night he dozed, with snacks in his hair,
Becky tiptoed close, feeling a chill in the air.
She reached for the crumb, thought she’d made a way,
But a tiny hand shot out, pulled her into dismay.

I thought that I knew you,
But how could I know,
Of the monster inside you,
In that beard of woe?
Each bite that you savored,
Had a price to be paid,
Now I’m caught in this chaos,
In a world you betrayed.

Hands cold and ragged,
A laugh that is cruel,
In this hidden world,
I’m nobody’s fool.
So many faces, with anger and spite,
Trapped in your secret, I’m losing the fight.

"The one who took you, he wants a fresh meal,
His hunger is endless, it’s terribly real."
Thought of all the laughter, now it fades away,
In the cage of horrors, I’m left here to stay.

I thought that I knew you,
But how could I know,
Of the monster inside you,
In that beard of woe?
Every dream felt shattered,
Every truth now a lie,
I'm surrounded by madness,
As I helplessly cry.

Now the crumbs won't fall,
From that beard of despair,
Becky just wishes,
He was

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Matt’s Beard

indie rock. Simple. Husky voiced female singer. A lot of harmony Dark and minor key
