Dark keyboard emotional sad rapLyrics
Thank my brain might be perma fried, from setting up weeks at a time.
Wish I could hit rewind.
Before I ever done a line.
My heart, eyes, mind, nothing feels right.
Crazy when I describe,the pain that fights within my insides.
There is no clear size,
Or measurement that's left within my chest.
I swear to God.
I try my best, but I could never get ahead.
Family thanks I'm crazy, cause I've had some conversations.
With your kind before, this isn't foreign.
I look but I don't see a stranger.
So cold as I'm sitting, hope I got your attention.
No longer sober I give in, need God to rescue me really.
I feel like soon it'll kill me.
These ghost be talking shit with me.
These ghosts whisper,
Come with me..
Trying my best, but I'm so depressed.
Stressed constantly, I never rest.
Pain everywhere,
From my head, to my legs.
They be shaking,
Like withdrawals from all these pain meds.
Gimme them meds!
I need ten Percocet.
Take ten all at once,
Get up, and do it again.
And again.
Broken to pieces, cause everything I had dreamed of.
Was stripped,
And ripped from beneath me.
Shit made me give up completely.
You happy bitch?
You succeeded.
Like you unlocked achievements.
Head spinning,
Feels like I'm seasick.
I thought I'd be there, everyday.
But mommy got to many secrets.
I'm sorry darling, it's nothing like dad could have imagined dear.
Hey lo?
I'm still gonn love you Halo.
I hope you've doin ok though.
And I hope mamas finally back to feeling ok lo.
(Ithat hurt!)
So cold as I'm sitting, hope I got your attention.
No longer sober I give in, need God to rescue me really.
I feel like soon it'll kill me.
These ghost be talking shit with me.
These ghosts tell me they listen..
Floating around the room.
Ain't it crazy bub?
They look exactly like you.
Even got the same clothes bruh.
Familiar faces in ya dreams,
They come through to surprise you.(Surprise!)
Wake up, and in the mirror they be standing right behind you.
I see dead people!
Like sixth sense,
Only a few can see you.
Barely visible,buried under medicine bottles and needles.
Rimnds me of a time I'd bust up lines of perc up on my dresser.
Started gagging crying actually.
I needed one line to feel better.
Fuckin shame!
So cold as I'm sitting, hope I got your attention.
No longer sober I give in, need God to rescue me really.
I feel like soon it'll kill me.
These ghost be talking shit with me.
These ghosts tell me they listen..
Keep me awake, don't wanna go to sleep.
Stayed up weeks and run a dozer.
Then knocked over several trees.
Cause I blacked out from exhaustion,
Plus I hadn't eat or drank a thing.
Contemplate suicide, several times.
Because my life ain't what it seems.
If I do it?
Wish me well.
See you all in hell.
It's B.u B.
Ghost Writing.
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