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Aaron the Loud Dog

country, acoustic, loud


Well, Aaron's got a bark that'll wake the dead,
With a floppy ear that hangs from his head.
He's a white little fella with black spots here and there,
Got a personality bigger than a grizzly bear.

Oh, Aaron the loud, livin' life so proud,
Yappin' at the moon, he's a barkin' out loud.
With his spots and his ear, he's a sight to behold,
Aaron the loud, got a heart of pure gold.

[Verse 2]
Every mornin', he wakes me at the crack of dawn,
With a howl so fierce, it's a country song.
Chasin' shadows and squirrels all across the yard,
He's our little watchdog, always on guard.

Oh, Aaron the loud, livin' life so proud,
Yappin' at the moon, he's a barkin' out loud.
With his spots and his ear, he's a sight to behold,
Aaron the loud, got a heart of pure gold.

[Verse 3]
When the mailman comes, he don't stand a chance,
Aaron's barkin' like it's his last dance.
Neighbors all tell me, "Won't that dog calm down?"
But I love my Aaron, the best dog around.

Oh, Aaron the loud, livin' life so proud,
Yappin' at the moon, he's a barkin' out loud.
With his spots and his ear, he's a sight to behold,
Aaron the loud, got a heart of pure gold.

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Aaron the Loud Dog

country, acoustic, loud
