(Whoa-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh)
(Whoa-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh)
Broken glass shattered,
Images blurred, wounds of inflicted pain,
Lost in love equipped with drugs,
With a needle in my vein
can’t stop thinking
The clock is ticking
wonder will I remain
During this time I must unwind,
As the emotions cloud my brain,
The Damage is building, my temperature’s rising,
How much can one sustain?
Drowning in sorrow, there’s no tomorrow,
Every moment feels like cocaine, Ayee [ROBOT female VOICE]
But I'm still chasing, racing through the night,
In love with drugs, watch me come alive.
(suicidal) it’s a feeling buried inside I’m (addicted)
Echoes of laughter mixed with despair,
Whispers of hope fade into the air.
Chasing the high, but I'm losing my mind,
Staring at the darkness, trying to do what’s right.
not just afraid, the effects have me enslaved
Haunted by memories that cut through the soul.
This applies weather you are young or your old
See I’m losing control
I Need to break free
victim of rage drugs and ecstasy
I’m trying to Fight through the addiction
but it’s taking a toll on me
Drowning in sorrow, there’s no tomorrow,
Every moment feels like cocaine, Ayee [ROBOT female VOICE]
But I'm still chasing, racing through the night,
In love with drugs, watch me come alive.
(suicidal) it’s a feeling buried inside I’m (addicted)
(Whoa-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh)
Searching for salvation in fortune and fame ,
Every scar I carry, it’s part of the game.
Rise up from the void , I’ll claim my voice,
Even when I stumble, I’ve made the choice.
Drowning in sorrow, there’s no tomorrow,
Every moment feels like cocaine, Ayee [ROBOT female VOICE]
But I'm still chasing, racing through the night,
In love with drugs, watch me come alive.
(suicidal) it’s a feeling buried inside I'm (addicted)
(Whoa-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh)
(Whoa-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh)
Broken glass shattered, yet I will rise,
Searching for beauty in this life.
This is my anthem, a fight to ignite,
With every heartbeat, I’ll be alright.
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Willkommen in der nächsten Generation der Musikerstellung mit unserer KI-Songs-Bibliothek, wo innovative künstliche Intelligenz auf kreative Ausdrucksform trifft. Erkunde eine riesige Auswahl an von Nutzern generierter KI-Songs in verschiedenen Genres, Stimmungen und Sprachen...
Egal ob du Content-Ersteller, Spieleentwickler, Podcaster oder einfach ein Musikliebhaber bist, unsere KI-gesteuerte Songs-Bibliothek bietet für jeden etwas...
Hauptmerkmale unserer KI-Songs-Bibliothek:
- Breite Genre-Auswahl: Entdecke Songs in verschiedenen Genres wie Pop, Rock, Hip-Hop, Klassik, Jazz, Ambient und mehr, alle generiert durch fortschrittliche KI-Technologie.
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Warum unsere KI-generierten Songs wählen?
- Hohe Klangqualität: Unsere KI-Songs sind darauf ausgelegt, natürlich und professionell zu klingen und ein immersives Hörerlebnis zu schaffen.
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