Broken Trust
Norse Mythology Musical, Tyr & Fenrir’s Song, Soft Gentle Voice, Deep Menacing Voice, Melancholic/Resentful MoodLyrics
Fenrir… my friend…
Please… let this not be the end.
I know I broke your trust.
But hear me out, you must.
I… we had to do it.
There was no other way through it.
To see you so causes me as much pain.
Put please, try not to blame…
Oh, have no fear, ‘friend’!
I will now, the rest of my life, spend,
Waiting for my time to strike!
You see where your hand used to be?
That will be a slight agony!
Compared to when I will smite!
Please do not forget how far back we go!
I cared for you since you were a cub!
And I showed you the love a son would show!
Now I see through all your false love!
It was not like that, dear friend!
All my care for you was strong and true!
But we were informed of a prophecy that involved you!
Funny, how you have more faith,
In some silly vision,
Than that of the one you know and ‘love’!
Well, all I have now is HATE,
And my final mission,
Will be more ruthless than the storms above!
Please do not be foolish, my sweet boy!
You cannot break these enchanted binds!
I do admit, these binds succeed to annoy!
But a way to escape I shall find!
This is the way it has to be!
The fate of the world depends on it!
Otherwise, it will all crumble bit by bit!
Then you will perish along with it!
And I will make sure you all do!
Fenrir, nobody could win it!
You would surely end up dying too!
I don’t care anymore!
All my love died with my trust!
Please do not cloud your thoughts!
Into chaos, your anger with thrust!
I would have been a friend to the Aesir!
But you lost that when you left me here!
Now leave, traitor. Join your fellow gods.
Enjoy your victory while you can.
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Broken Trust
Norse Mythology Musical, Tyr & Fenrir’s Song, Soft Gentle Voice, Deep Menacing Voice, Melancholic/Resentful Mood