I need a break, but the break ain't breakin-3
Chill rap 과 Hip-hop 을 적당히 혼합해서 아래의 가사 모두를 끝까지 이용해서 노래를 만들어 주세요.Lyrics
Yeah, uh,
Got my mind runnin’ wild,
Tryin’ to find some peace in this hectic style.
Yeah, I’m tryin’ to chill, but my mind's on overload,
Clockin’ outta work but my brain won’t go slow,
Kicked back, feet up, got the playlist on,
But no matter what I do, man, the stress ain't gone.
Took a walk, took a nap, even hit the gym,
But this weight on my shoulders, I just can't slim,
TV's on, and I'm zoned, but I’m feelin’ drained,
Like I’m stuck in the cycle, man, it’s all the same.
I need a break, but the break ain’t breakin’,
Feelin' tired, body achin',
Keep restin', but it’s no good,
Guess I’ll keep tryin' till I feel understood.
I need a break, but the break ain’t breakin’,
Feelin' tired, body achin',
Keep restin', but it’s no good,
Guess I’ll keep tryin' till I feel understood.
Scrolling through my phone, caught in this game,
Every notification, it just feels the same,
Scrollin' past the smiles, drownin' in the noise,
Got me trippin’ up, man, where’s the real joy?
Friends text, “Let’s chill,” but I play it cool,
Deep down I’m clinkin' like a life without a rule,
Tryin' to shake this weight, lift the heaviness off,
But the grind keeps pullin’, man, it’s hard to scoff.
I need a break, but the break ain’t breakin’,
Feelin' tired, body achin',
Keep restin', but it’s no good,
Guess I’ll keep tryin' till I feel understood.
I need a break, but the break ain’t breakin’,
Feelin' tired, body achin',
Keep restin', but it’s no good,
Guess I’ll keep tryin' till I feel understood.
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I need a break, but the break ain't breakin-3
Chill rap 과 Hip-hop 을 적당히 혼합해서 아래의 가사 모두를 끝까지 이용해서 노래를 만들어 주세요.